First of all, this is my first attempt at making a map. It came before I knew how to merge or geomerge. It is a heavy power weapon map. It only supports slayer but works better with team game modes.there is a teleporter in the middle of the map but people like to camp at the top so I don't recomend taking it. There are two bases, each has a sword, sniper rifle, and man cannon. This is an over view of the map, you can see the teleporters in it. This was really funny when it happend. I was shooting a guy with the sentinel beam and suddenly he exploded. Here is my freind getting sniped while he is shooting me from a turret. This sniper is about to be set on fire. DOSWNLOAD LINK: Halo 3 File Details AND PLEASE DON'T DIS THIS MAP UNTIL YOU HAVE VALID COMPLAINTS!
Sorry, but your pics are not showing up. This is because you copy and pasted from you file share... that won't work. What you need to do is Save the pictures you want onto your computer, then go to, and make an account. from there, you should be able to upload the pictures to the website. After they have been uploaded, copy and paste the codes for them and then they will show up. p.m. me for more detailed instructions. you have 24 hours to fix this or this thread will be locked. No one else should post until he fixes his pictures, he has already been warned. People who post after this will be reported for spam. p.s. you spelt killionaire wrong.
This map is a decent beginning map, but to become a great forger you must take into account the following: 1. Aesthetics 2. Fun factor 3. Gameplay, no overpowered areas, good spawns, and good weapon placements. What you seemed to do on this map was make a map that you and your friends could blow the **** out of each other with all these power weapons, and many spawn camping areas.
i still don't see any pictures man. read the steps from the first post to get some pictures working correctly. I'm curious about your map
i could use more pics to judge it better but it looks ok with some fusing and merging; the floating platform in the middle will make for some good sniping; its decent for a first map thoguh so good job
I hope you put lots of thought into the spawn points' placements, because otherwise this map'll quickly become a camp fest. Very unoriginal, but it could be fun as long as camping spots are ruled out. More pics would be nice too.