help with my map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by sheemaster, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. sheemaster

    sheemaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    k, i am new here and i really was just passing by to ask you a little question about forge... being that i have for the first time since i bought halo 3 decided 2 make a map, i was wondering if some1 can tell me how to make it so that in infection, the infected always spawn at 1 place and the humans always at another.

    plz help me

    ps: me being new 2 forge plz be very specific about where i can modify the spawns...
  2. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Press X on the spawn points, and change the team they are aligned with.

    Attackers are always Zombies, and Defenders are always humans. Its a quick fix, and I hope your map goes well.
  3. sheemaster

    sheemaster Ancient
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    i already tryed that, but for some reasons both the infected and the humans seem 2 spawn where there is no spawn (right in the front of the fixed man cannons of the bases on avalanche)
  4. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    do mean like they start the game there? (the places with no apparent spawn) or they spawn there during the game
  5. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    If they start in the right area and spawn later in the wrong area, it's probably because you only have starter points set down. put some normal spawns in there to, (after setting them to the respective team) and it should work.
  6. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Can't believe I forgot to add that

    Anyway you might want to try to spread out your re-spawn points, if they are all in one spot and the game reads that there is to much danger to spawn them there they will be spawned on a default place in the map. The default "hard spawns" on Foundry are in each base, and by each of the doors on the opposite side.
  7. sheemaster

    sheemaster Ancient
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    well when i start the game they spawn in front of the man cannons on avalanche (no spawn locations), but later they start spawning where they are suppost 2

    i might want 2 try using those starter spawns, but how do u get them? they are not in the choices i have in the inventory
  8. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah... Starting spawns are important. They are in the same directory as the normal spawns, but you can't place as many and you need to be in the right game type (Just set it from the start menu). They look like normal spawns, but they sort of glow when you place them. Thats why they spawn at the "Hard Spawns" and respawn in the right place.
  9. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    You won't be able to get starting points in your item list straight away. First press start while in editor mode and change the gametype to infection the round will end and them starting points will appear in your inventory. Hope this helps.
  10. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Start up a game, go into oracle, you need to be in oracle to change gametype, then change it to infection, and when you start, instead of just respawn points, there will be Starting points, Respawn Areas, and Respawn Points. Starting points is where they start, thats all. The Respawn area is a general area where they spawn, which could be changes by Pressing x, and changing its X. The respawn Area is more frequently spawned on, then respawn points. When you are changing the team spawns, just press X , and make the teams set to appropraite settings.
  11. sheemaster

    sheemaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ty every1 i think i know wat i need thanks 2 every1
  12. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The thing with starter spawns is they apply to only one gametype each. Where as just spawn points apply for all gametypes, starter spawns exist for each gametype which means you will have to edit the starter spawns for each gametype you want. Starter spawns appear on the map only when you have a gametype specifically selected in forge. (in moniter mode, press start and a new option, GAMETYPES, will appear in the menu)

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