
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Fusionguy, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    SWehiles (pronounced sw-here-cles) is my latest map(S) and what may soon be a well known fun new game-type :D.


    As some of you may have guessed SWechiles is a mix between SWAT and vehicles. What basically happens is:

    • One person drives a mongoose another team member shoots
    • Headshots kill everyone drivers and gunners alike​
    • First to 50 kills wins​
    • higher gravity and lower speed make vechile useage a MUST

    Foundry SWehiles

    This version of SWehiles is a more open and therefore deadly version of SWechiles.


    Mongoose and team spawn^

    A base with hidden mongoose in lower right and football to play with while waiting for mongeese to spawn^

    Geo-merged open box that's great for breacking lines of sight^

    Ramp and tunnel combo!^

    follow through (notice truck ramp behind)^

    P.S there are mancannons to stop players retreacting back into their baseyou can see them in the background of the overview.

    Blackout SWehiles

    Blackout SWechiles is based more on open corridor gunfights, one crash could spell your death so try not to go too fast but also not too slow.

    Attackers base^

    Defenders base^

    geo-merged bridge specially inserted for mongoose access^

    Ramp into center^


    And so I leave you with only thoughts of sandbox (and mabye a SWehiles v2) inside my head
    #1 Fusionguy, Feb 21, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2009
  2. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Okay first off, you spelled vehicles wrong. Vechiles isn't a word. You should probably fix that, unless that was intentional.

    Onto the maps. I never played swat before so I'll have to download these and try them out later. I think forge wise though they look pretty decent.
  3. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    Thanks for feedback alos spelling= fixed
  4. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Cool idea, but swat is really easy when people are on vehicles. Oh and I noticed your British because you called the soccerball a football, so no one comment after this saying "You noob its a soccer ball not a football!" But anyways I really like the Blackout one, the ramps are cool. A bit of advise though, you should consider doing this on larger maps like Avalanche or Standoff. I think it could really catch on.
  5. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    Yeah sure I really just made the smaller ones above to see how the gametype would go down with the community so now I'll start making a larger map :D
    Also I am British :)

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