EDIT: The poll has been reset to default. I have changed the pictures. I'm sorry, but those who have already answered, can't do it again. EDIT 2: I have exchanged new pictures with 1 and 8 Here are my ODST pictures that I took recently. I really want your comments on which one you like the best and why. Also, I've added a poll for your favorite image. Download links (in order from 1-10): Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details Halo 3 File Details So please vote ASAP. Your friendly Chinese kid, ER1C0
In my opinion, picture 3 is the best. The ODST is positioned perfectly in the bottom-left corner (as per the Rule of Thirds), and the background that he's looking into is simply BEAUTIFUL. Not to mention the great crouching pose, which I'm sure was hard to capture. Excellent shot!
No. 10 is my favourite. It is the only one I feel that has any 'wow' factor. Most of them seem like you stumbled upon them and thought they looked kinda cool.
I agree with both of the top replies, its simply between 3 and 5. Those to are unique pics indeed.I would pic number 5 if It was up to me.Why you ask... Well then I will tell you.In pic 5 it also like number 3 has a beautiful backdrop, but it has two people posing insted of just the one.
Okay, thanks everyone for the comments. I just played campaign again, and I have 6 new and very cool pictures coming... stay tuned EDIT: A mod has erased the poll answers and has reset it back to default. I changed the pics and added some more cooler ones. Please rate again.
I really like 5. The lighting is just perfect to get the detail in the armor and the pelican and it doesn't shine up the whole pic. And the ODST is holding a sniper with one hand, that's awesome.
Five and seven. In five I love how he is holding the sniper in one hand and looks like he wants to kick some ass. In number seven I love how it looks like he just killed someone is and holding the shotgun up to pump it. Plus the effect on both fit perfectly.
Lemme guess.... This was made in response to Bungie's comments on the update? It' doesnt matter; these shots are good.3, 6, and 7, were my fav. Overall, 4/5.
9 is funny and I like 7, I bet I could find that exact tree though. If you took them for that contest, do you know whether the screenshots have to be in our fileshare? My Atlas map and its films have already taken up 4 places, I only have 2 slots left!:cry:
I like 1 because its a turret and turrets when put in right they rock so 5/5 there are half of them good half OK