The Great Wall This wall was created on Avalanche and meant to split the level into a smaller playing area that could utilize all vehicles including flying ones. The wall has an element of playablility to it that I specifically made sure it had; if you feel like abandoning your flying vehicle or taxing a friend up to the top, the wall has a very good sniper position of the playing area near the middle cave and out towards the drop off. The playing side that you can use is the one with the bridge on it because the side offers the most unique playing area that could be forged the most ways. It will be the one the awesome big things that is featured in a concept map I have now, but wanted anyone who wanted to forge on it to go right ahead, it will be on my file share. Pieces Used: All but two "Double Box: Open" All but two "Single Box: Open" All the "Ramps" One "Wall" All the "Large Energy Blockers" All the "Small Energy Blockers" (The keyhole in the middle is filled to complete the blockoff) Here's the link to download The Great Wall Full View Left Side Right Side Top Platform
well done that wall looks really good, geomerged and everything very nice, must say though it would have been better if you had used less of the ramps and did a variety of objects, i like using the ramps on avalanche. good job.
The map is so, so I mean you did make the wall that is pro-ly geo-merged for a Avalanche map, but, many people in my view don't forge too much on Avalanche, anyways good wall, 4.5/5!
I used like 180 out of 700 dollars, went i went to estimate my map theres more than enough money left, this map is un budget glitched so if you need more you'll have to budget glitch, I'll post the link to my fileset later today
the....point? People get to use it for their maps, when much of the major resources are used up......sounds.....not very useful
You still have all double boxes, singles boxes, wall, barries, and so much more..........stop hating bro, the point is people only want to use half of avalanche and want to be able to use flying vehicles without people escaping the map......
Good geomerging, and it looks like part of the structure which is nice. But i wouldnt use it - you can focus play using objectives spawns and weapons.
looks usefull but youight want to add the dl link asap so i can dl before i froget to edit, i looked at it when i dled and saw hat it was a really well made wall. do you mind if i use it if i give you credit?
i cant see the photos so i cant really judge the map so yeah but from the other people comments it sounds like a sweet map thanks for the sweet map i judge it thought when i m done see it
i like the idea of separating the two sides. im going to have to agree with sdrakulitch you used a lot of resources on the map. it doesn't leave a lot of things to forge with. i care really but if you want people to use it you should try to limit the materials used. dont
Great wall! I tried this in my map and it was extremely hard to complete. I'm really glad some1 did this. Thanx
man cannon passage is still completely accessable and is not blocked off at all, as far as resources go you still have all double boxes (24) single boxes (8 or 16) 2 double open and two single open, all ur bridges, all ur walls, all ur clear walls, all ur barricades, u hav more than enough pieces to make another base and make this a coagulation type map which was the first purpose of this wall HUMP117=Handsom R0b=Cob Handsom Rob (I have multiple aliases)
='( The download link is STILL broken! I went into this post over and over again just to hope if you fixed the link. But you didn't! I'm dieing to DL this map! By the way, Very very nice merging, and i love the idea where you use only the least common objects to make it. 5/5
The link is now fixed, my file set was deleted somehow so I linked it to my fileshare for now, happy forging sorry for the wait i didnt know the link was broken
I never thought that someone would actually be able to make a perfect wall like that. And have it so perfect. I wouldn't call it a canvas though, most of the main object resources are gone, so I would just make it a full out map.
well done that wall looks really good, geomerged and everything very nice, must say though it would have been better if you had used less of the ramps and did a variety of objects, i like using the ramps on avalanche. Although i don't think this map is bad for gameplay