THESILENCEBROKEN'S PARTY RECAP I held the competitive TGIF party that was formed more around matchmaking-style play rather than our usual mini-game based parties. We played on a wide arrangement of maps from Foundry creations such as Constrictor and Industries to Bungie favorites like Blackout and Ghost Town. We had generally even numbers for most of the party, and it went well with very few hiccups. Thanks to everyone who participated and made it a blast! Heres some pics from my party: This would be Pfhorapfhobia launching a grenade across the map to win the match. Silence barking up the wrong tree on Redeemer. Shad0w Viper killing the VIP in 7 seconds. The enemy flag, courtesy of Sharpshooter...
I had an okay time in your TGIF. I spent most of my time on Vorpal and DeathToll's party, but I joined yours already because I was not a fan of Cat N Mouse and they were playing it which made me bored. SADFACE I had to miss Constrictor!
You kidding? TGIAD went for like 5 hours. Even though CommanderMatt1 had the flu and couldn't keep playing, it was fun. I was going to swing by your party just for the promise of a few really good competitive maps, but I guess the time just kind of slipped by. Next time, eh?
The TGIAD went for a good 5-6 hours, while I was only there for 1/2 of it I then went to Vicious' party and had a pretty good blast there, if I knew about your I probably would I came to your too, because we played alot of Cat and Mouse and Tremors, and normally I was one of the first few dead.
i couldn't do that again if i tried. it was a lot of fun. Yellow and Shadow were a blast and so was Chuck. I broadcasted, as usual. Also, I killed Shad0w... Totally ****ing owned...
Nice pics. I wish I would have played longer. I was in AZN FTW's party and it was fun. Everything I played there I have never played before like Kamikaze, Tremor 'n Mouse, Green Fiends, etc. It was tons of fun. I wish I could have stayed for the group photo as well.
I like the pic of me jackin that ghost lol, nice angle made me look a little fat though! Lol, I had fun cant wait until the next one.