Foundry Pirate Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Death Height, Feb 20, 2009.


Good for a noob mapmaker?

Poll closed Feb 25, 2009.
  1. horrible

    1 vote(s)
  2. fair

    2 vote(s)
  3. good

    2 vote(s)
  4. great!

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Link:
    Halo 3 File Details
    Game Links:
    -Enemy Ship(Halo 3 File Details)
    -Protect The Cap't!
    (Halo 3 File Details)

    Hi there, im new to forging, but don't take it easy. I realize this is a little sloppy, but as i said, im new to severe forging, so im not very good yet. I have some merging and floating objects in this map, that's about it though. Both boats have a Captain's Cabin, though there isn't anything in there, it is a good place to hold out.

    This is my first map, Pirates. There are two ships, each a fair enough copy of eachother. Each has a canon(rocket launcher) on each boat in the hold, along with a teleporter to where the crew would stay.
    Overview 1:
    Overview Boat1:
    Overview Boat2:
    Inside of Boats1:
    Inside of Boats2:
    Boarding Plank Way1:
    Boarding Plank Way2:
    Spawning areas of Crewmen(both boats):

    *Enemy Ship is pretty much just team slayer, though i tried to keep it along piratish style, so all you have is a pistol and a sword.(all gametypes have these weapon setups, except Protect the Cap't)
    *Protect the Cap't! is a vip game. The captain spawns with extra shields and a shotgun and sword, though he is a bit slower than the crew.
    Thanks for taking a look at my map!! :)
    #1 Death Height, Feb 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2009
  2. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn this is pretty good! For an "unexperienced" forger! Neat design and clever idea. And good thread layout too! Overall I think this is pretty good it definitely deserves a download.
  3. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    Yayy!! a Pirate map, i love pirates, they are awesome. Anyway I like the map and the ships, and the gametype with the capt'n looks fun. I will try this out as soon as i get more hard drive space (there have been sooooo many good maps recently.) Awesome Idea, if you want to check out my pirates of the carribbean map, click the link here

    edit- THings that you can improve are-

    FOrging- make your walls straighter, your interlocks more clean,

    BUT that stuff doesn't really matter. It looks like a great game, Iv'e free'd up some hard drive space so youv'e got another Dl'd
    #3 madz333, Feb 21, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2009
  4. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the reviews guys :)
    is there anything that could be improved in this? gametype-wise or map-wise? ill probably come out with a V2 later on this week since ill have lots of free time. (vacation):D
  5. Pomegrenade

    Pomegrenade Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow dude ur no noob forger this is fun and im DLing it right now; great idea of pirate ships and the destroyable gangplanks are cool; some fusing wouldve made it better but o well; also when sandbox comes out i would recreate this in the skybubble section itd be fun there
  6. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
    Senior Member

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    no i really am XD
    i havnt seriously forged like this before lol
    but thanks! and yes i did plan on doing it on sandbox since its like an actual battle in sea; you fall, you die
    and thanks for the dl and the suggestions! :)

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