Foundry Cloisters

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by superMATTsuper, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. superMATTsuper

    superMATTsuper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by superMATTsuper

    Inspired by the Halo 2 map Sanctuary, Cloisters is a large, open battlefield promising explosive action and awesome firefights!

    Base: Foundry

    Supported Gametypes:
    Capture the Flag
    King of the Hill


    Simply a remake of the Halo 2 map Sanctuary except that it's obviously smaller. Because I haven't actually played Halo 2 or this map, I had to make it from a top down image which was hard. As such, a lot of the design has changed. Also, object limits were REALLY annoying as was the budget and my general inability to forge (yes, excellent ego) means that some of the map is a tad weird.


    Ok, so it has two bases, defenders and attackers. The bases are the same - a lower area and then above it (accessible by grav lifts) is a whole lot of cover and more importantly, a machine gun turret.

    In the middle is another two story hexagonal structure (the top floor is accessible by bridges or a damn good crouch jump!). It also has the maps power weapon - the rocket launcher!

    The third part of the map is just called the bridges which all join the map together, basically. Each base has a mini base the the left which connects to one of the two middle mini bases which connects back to the centre (that made more sense in my head, and will make more sense in the pictures).

    Keep in mind that dumpsters usually exist for a reason and could be used as access points to bases or even to get to secret sniping spots. Oh, the map is symmetrical. And there are TWO ghosts if you're wondering.

    Oh, and although you can get out of the map fairly easily, please don't. If you accidentally grenade jump outta there, then there is a teleporter in the corridors on default Foundry.

    Forging 101:

    [ YES ] Floating Objects
    [ YES ] Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] Timed Map Events
    [ ___ ] Effective Spawn Placement
    [ YES ] Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] Objects Placed in Water
    [ YES ] Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] Interlocking Objects
    [ ___ ] Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ YES ] Unlimited Budget Glitch

    A pic of the attackers base

    A pic of the middle base thing

    A pic of some of the bridges on the sides

    OK, I didn't get an overview picture (which a lot of people wanted) but I got on the GIMP and put together this rather simple diagram.
    And a key:
    Light Grey - Floating objects such as the bridges and open boxes too. Basically, a platform on L2 and space under.
    Dark Grey - Full L1, such as Double Boxes on the ground.
    Black - Full on L1 and L2, such as a stack of Single boxes (note that there may be space underneath, like in the middle, look at the pic of the middle)
    Odd green colour - Garbage bins, on either level.
    Yellow gradient - Stairs, showing how their oriented (lighter is lower).
    White - The Ground
    Blue - Grav Lifts
    Hope that all makes sense!

    Download Cloisters
    #1 superMATTsuper, Feb 20, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks pretty cool. I don't know who voted you two stars, because this is worth about four. Great job! 4/5.
  3. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    from what i can see, nice map, good layout, nice interlox.
    you definatly need more pictures, though, like one with an overveiw of the whole map,

    it almost has that MLG feel to it
  4. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You did a nice job with the center base, the hexagon looks pretty accurate.
    Is the floor open because of vehicles? If so what vehicles are on the map, I only could see one ghost from the pics.
  5. JarHead

    JarHead Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a really good map but i could not get the feel for the map by the pictures. Maybe you should have a picture of the overview. Nice Job anyways.
  6. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I would suggest turning those bridges upsideown, and then interlocking them for asthetic purposes. I like the layout too. Id suggest just interlocking a bit more, and becoming a little more original with your architecture. Also, just out of curiosity, is there more than 1 ghost on the map?
  7. superMATTsuper

    superMATTsuper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the reply mastersync, and for the four stars. And xxDeeJxx, too.

    The floor should be littered with little stones and stuff, but I left it open to make space for the TWO ghosts to roam around. I thought the hexagon was horrible :) so I filled the gaps with barriers which work well anyway. Thanks Bootsie.

    I'll get an overview pic, also (hopefully). Thanks for the reply Jarhead.

    Thanks for the reply Twilight Snipe. I will keep the flipped bridges in mind. Though to be honest, I don't really want to become a forger that takes five minutes to place every object. Not sure what you mean with architectural originality, and it's meant to be a remake. And there are 2 ghosts - one at each base. The map is symmetrical.

    Thanks for the replies and generally positive reviews.
  8. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's hard to tell how good the map is because there's not enough pictures of the map itself. Try taking some overview pictures to give us a better layout of your map.
  9. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map. i like how it is simple and has nice interlocking. the map looks very nice and could support many types of gameplay. i also like how the middle is walled of in areas. so you have to work to get up there. overall nice map.
  10. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd like to see the bridges interlocked with the boxes, but other than that, pretty good. The weapon placement is pretty expertised and the jumps look very easy to make and smooth.
  11. Pomegrenade

    Pomegrenade Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map; middle area will make for a good area if u play mosh pit on this but it looks good for slayer and mlg maily; nice fusing on the bridges made out of walls but for your bridges on top of boxes i would flip them over and merge them with the boxes
  12. superMATTsuper

    superMATTsuper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    chromebandit, thanks for the reply - I've told people I'm already going to try and get a map overview or a diagram together.

    MichMaster32, thanks for the positive review.

    Painkiller, thanks as well. A couple of others have said to interlock the bridges with boxes.

    Pomegrenade, it's primarily designed for team objective games but I just played FFA Slayer on it and was pretty fun. The SRs and RL were fought over a lot.

    Thanks everyone!

    EDIT: Edited first post also, but also editing this post with the diagram:
    I got on the GIMP and put together this rather simple diagram.
    And a key:
    Light Grey - Floating objects such as the bridges and open boxes too. Basically, a platform on L2 and space under.
    Dark Grey - Full L1, such as Double Boxes on the ground.
    Black - Full on L1 and L2, such as a stack of Single boxes (note that there may be space underneath, like in the middle, look at the pic of the middle)
    Odd green colour - Garbage bins, on either level.
    Yellow gradient - Stairs, showing how their oriented (lighter is lower).
    White - The Ground
    Blue - Grav Lifts
    Hope that all makes sense!
    #12 superMATTsuper, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009

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