Before I joined Forge Hub I Started a Map Called Dont Fall! Alot of People LOVED it So I decided to make more. MAP - Halo 3 File Details Gametype(same with every dont fall map)- Halo 3 File Details Human Spawn Zombie Spawn Pallet Bridge Set of Obstacles(Not all of them) Zombie: invulnereable 200% speed 200% Gravity Energy sword, no weapon pickup Humans: Magnums 0% Damage Normal Speed/ Gravity
neeed pictures. now. EDIT- yay pictures! hmm i think you could use more of them though, i can't quite grasp the map... and you need a better description my friend.
You have 24 hours to add screenshots to our thread, or it will be deleted How to embed screenshots on your thread In case you don't already know how to embed pictures onto Forge Hub just follow the link. Next time try and post pictures at the same time you post your map, you won't get any grief about it that way. I know you want your map out there, but you have to have screenshots in your thread or it could be deleted. Plus it looks more professional if you add pictures the first time around Hoping to see some picture in the near future, Krazy Kumquat Oh, and welcome to Forge Hub
It looks kinda OK but more pics. Nice concept but not pulled off as well as it should. I know everyone says this but needs some interlocking. It makes for smooth gameplay. For now 2.5/5
You still need a short description for this to be up to standards. Once that is fixed you should be good.
Yeah Yes I Assure you I made this Map. I have alot of Active friends, and this has spread around the community, I also have made versions V2-V4. and I am sorry About the Post, I will add more