My friends recently got Fallout 3 and say I should get it as well. Does anyone else have this? If so, can you give me a rating on it? Is it FPS or 3PS? Hows the gameplay/story/multiplayer?
There is a thread for this, in the gaming forum, also if you want to make any future game threads, go to the gaming forum
Well i personally will give Fallout 3 a 10 overall its is both a FPS and 3PS because the game lets you chose gameplay is pretty fun seeing as you can go anywhere in a huge area you want the main quest's story is kinda cool but hey you don't even have to do it you could just run around killing everything sorry dude but there still isn't multiplayer the max level your guy can get is 20 until the end of march gets the expansion for level 30 and a bigger quest there is 1 expansion ou t and another one at the end of this month. BUY THE GAME I LOVE IT