This is my first post to forge hub.Enjoy Kinda Scary...Oh yeah the link (look below):lol::lol::lol: LINK------><------LINK
I will rate this one pretty plainly.2/5 for creativeness,3/5 For quality,and 3/5 for angle.Overall this is poorly done.Message me for some help but until then try to use better efects.
There was no need for the double post. Simply go back and edit the first one. As for the picture, it seems like something anyone could do. I suggest looking around at other screenshots and effect tutorials to learn how to take better pictures. Most are very easy to learn and apply. Best of luck to you.
I think that's pretty cool, it's kinda creepy and an effect would have just ruined it. And don't make your text so massive, it's ugly and stretches out the screen.
I will give it a 2.7, its just kinda bland.Not much happening there.No effect, no action, just standing.
I think its pretty good but i see where the other guys are coming form did you do it in campaign or what? i say 4/5 if it is campaign then plz take more because you are good at them
don't judge a screenshot on something it doesn't have. You act as if effects are a must in a screenshot when they are not. Since it doesn't have effects, don't rate it on effects.