That it actually pretty sick. The design fits perfectly with the Spartan's color. I could see this one being really popular.
Colorblind and Gloomy. But I know, it's nothing special, and obviously easy to do. I just think it looks alright. And then again, saying "it's just a bunch of bubble shields," is like looking an amazing picture and saying "meh, all you did was throw a nade." I'm not saying it's a great pic, I'm just pointing that out.
I like it and to people who say this is simple, at least he did it. I've never seen this done recently.
Wow... This. Is. Amazing! I must say, I haven't seen a screenshot use the rule of thirds and an effect well it quite some time. This picture is pretty good. The background really adds to the picture and really fills the empty space. The effects you used enhance the screen without it being to busy or overbearing. I especially like the way the Spartan melts into the hexagon. The way the shapes on the bubbles recede and spread apart the farther you get from the Spartan is a really nice touch. Next time, maybe make the part around the Spartan a little darker, or frame a little differently. It could also use a little more action in his pose. The way he's standing is so over used and ran down. Try and make the figure appear more menacing. I mean for God's sake he's got giant black tendrils shoot out of his arms! Add something more foreboding. Perhaps a new weapons, or a different angle? It's up for you to decide. Overall 3.95/5 You have a lot of potential, I can see you really enjoy what you do. Keep on making great screenshots like this, and you'll begin to get recognized.
.. Wow. I haven't recieved that sort of review yet, but I love it. Your suggestions definitely helped, I was planning on doing a retake, so I'll definitely take your advice. I really appreciate it, man.
Wow! Thanks really cool! I love the creative idea with the bubble shields and the black and white really topped it off! Good job.