Following the teaser from the superbowl.... Michael Bay you son of a *****. XD
Is it ok that i just jizzd in my pants watching that?? if so than good because that movie looks ****in awesome
I **** bricks when I watched that. Seriously though, Michael Bay is the king of completely insane special effects. And with Speilberg back at the producing helm, there is no doubt in my mind that this will be 2009's Dark Knight, and Watchmen will be 09's Iron Man. XD
Yea I know... the first one blew me away when I saw it. I had gone thinking, wow, this is like, a little kids TV show, how good can this be? And I was certainly surprised. Another movie like that is the upcoming GI Joe movie. I never liked that when I was a kid, but the trailer looks pretty kickass.
The first Transformers is in my top 5 best movies ever. (Which, before seeing it I thought it was going to be terrible.) I am definitely going to see this opening night.
I, too, thought the Transformers movie was going to be very overrated. Hell, if it wasn't for the insane special effects it probably would have been. I can't wait to wast $10 on this.
This is definitely the kind of stuff that makes me glad we're in the 21st century. Really, I'm surprised humans are capable of pulling that kind of effects off. I don't know how they do it, but I sure as hell love it. It is kind of greedy in my opinion how in the first one, everything is good, and it is basically over. Optimus prime even said the war is over. But somehow the (**** forgot the name of the opposing side) come back? Well there is a reasonable explanation, but it is obviously a plot for money. And its going to work. Regardless, I'm sure it won't be disappointing. I love Shia, and Megan in this anyway. Both actors go hand in hand coherently, and make the story believable. I'm just scared Bumble Bee will
Dude me and my gf are seeing this at the midnight release. This movie looks so epic. I loved the first and I'm sure the second one will be just as good are even better.
Holy f****ng sh*t a brick!! Jesus this is bloody friggen sweet!!!! I can't believe it, this is going to be EPIC!!! Did you see that rolly polly mutha f***er? Dude!!! He said the war was over, but they all forgot starscream who flew off into space and started gathering decepticons, and skorponok was'nt dead either
Alright, that is semi-believable. For I thought they all depicted the decepticons dieing after Megatron's death. I imagined he was their life source, and once that was broken, they would cease to exist. Still a great cinema to embark on, and definitely not a turn away, just it is almost dirty marketing, which will work.