I've finished my map! Not going to say anything else though. It's just got to test it, have it broken, fix it, then post it. I've got the pics, it's just got to be tested and that's it. How is yours coming along?
I've got the whole idea in exact detail in my head, and I'm half-way building. I still got to do the main structure and bases, but all the other buildings are mostly finished. If it gets possitive feedback, I'm going to make a V2 on Sandbox wich is not limited by the restrictions of the contest and Foundry. I'm curious to your map, because I liked your previous maps. Have fun testing!
Mine is like 1/4th finished. Right now I'm creating cat walks and over hangs. That's where most of the battles will take on foot. The bottom will be for the Warthogs.
I'm braindead. So I'm not working on it yet, but I'm touching up my Conquest maps instead. If anyone wants to co-forge, let me know.
I completed about 50% of the map 4 days ago, however i'm questioning the entire structure and layout. The template is very challenging, trying to make enough cover whilst making enough room for Warthogs is difficult, so i'm not sure whether i'm going to continue, re-make or not bother at the moment. It mostly depends on how long it takes to make the current map i'm working on. And good luck everyone
Catwalks... DAMN! That's a really good idea. dunno how I'd implement them into my map though. I think it's fine as it is.
I had done 1/5 of my map, then scrapped the whole idea, i deleted all the geomerging and interlocking and all the detail to make another grittier dirtier, and more hardcore looking map, gives you this cramped and aggressive feeling whilst keeping it all open and spacey! I love the feel of the bases, they're great!
I have been to busy lately, *Sigh...* I'll work on it a bit this week after TGIF, and maybe over a period of weekends. Here are some picture I have recently taken in Sketchup. What do you think of it? I didn't bother making the other base because I ran out of time, so this is just showing the middle structure and how the bases are going to look like. Don't worry though, there might be more in the map. I just don't know what yet... Spoiler
I thought about taking part, i even had a really good idea. But then i got in that depressing warehouse and had second thoughts. Anyway sandboxis out in a week so im being patient before my next forge