MLG Requiem By Insane54 and Sir Toppum Hat1 Click the images below to download the map and gametypes. [aname=1][/aname] Click the images below to quick jump around this post. For some reason this can cause some screw ups. Just press Back or Refresh if it does and it should be fixed. [jumpto=1]Download[/jumpto] [jumpto=2]Map Description[/jumpto] [jumpto=3]Video[/jumpto] [jumpto=5]Map Pictures[/jumpto] [jumpto=6]Action Pictures[/jumpto] [jumpto=7]Duck Strategy: Quack Protocol Beta[/jumpto] [jumpto=7b]Notes[/jumpto] [jumpto=8]Download[/jumpto] [jumpto=9]Special Thanks[/jumpto] MLG Requiem is a symmetrical map designed for MLG gameplay. Design, spawns, weapons, and tweaks: Insane54 Map geometry: Sir Toppum Hat1 The first thing you'll notice when dropping into the map is probably the enormous hill in the very center of the map. Outlets and openings are all around it to open up gameplay and allow players easy access through the middle. The key thing to know about the hill is that it is extremely easy to grenade it from certain areas, making it a very hazardous move to run across without teamwork, without the flag or not. However, all of those areas have multiple access points, making it dangerous to camp the hill. In this vein, risk and reward (the risk you take to get to a better weapon or advantage) and lines of sight (how much you can see from any given point) are particularly central in this map. One of the most useful features in this map is a teleporter in the back areas of the map. This teleporter will transport you to the other 'wing' of the map, allowing you to flank the enemy or aid a teammate. Be careful though - it's easy for your opponent to camp the teleporter receiver, should you be running in blind without reconnaissance of the area first. Another extremely useful area is the Purple platform. You will find access ramps between the back bases (orange and white), on top of which you can find a Battle Rifle and frag grenades, but most importantly, a hole for a devastating grenade barrage, should the enemy attempt to run through the middle. Controlling this vicinity will usually allow you to then control the hill, giving your squad a immense advantage. Requiem plays every gametype, but the best by far are MLG Onslaught Capture The Flag, MLG King of the Hill, and MLG Team Slayer. It also plays a very enjoyable Team Snipers or Team BRs game. You can find downloads for the aforementioned three gametypes in the download parts of this post. Thank you for reading, and enjoy MLG Requiem! The weapons placed on Requiem are as follows: Name - Quantity on Map - Respawn Time BR55HB SR Battle Rifle - 9 - 10 Type-51 Carbine - 4 - 60 Sniper Rifle System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel - 2 - 180 Jiralhanae Type-52 Mauler Pistol - 0 - 150 M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade - 2 - 30 Type-1 Antipersonnel Sticky Grenade - 4 - 30 Custom Powerup - 1 - 120 [aname=3][/aname] Video coming soon; sorry for the delays! [aname=5][/aname]
[aname=7][/aname] The Ducks of Onyx are a matchmaking/custom game group started in TGIF #7 in the European party. Assigning his players with super cool MLG-duck-like names, Insane54 led his team to epic victory in match after match, with use of superior tactics, such as the 'smoke and clear'. What came from this is the Ducks of Onyx. We strive to be the best in all of Halo, by usage of our epic 1337 ducky maneuvers, and our awesome Duck names. The following pictures are from a practice session. At spawn, Duck 1 (Insane54) and Duck 3 (Matty) turn around and head towards Orange. Duck 1 goes towards Purple and puts shots on enemies or calls out enemies, while Duck 3 gathers the Sniper Rifle and goes to Purple with Duck 1. At the same time, Duck 2 (Roche178) goes straight up to the hill and uses it as cover to distract and place shots at the enemies, whilst Duck 4 (Shoruka) goes all the way to the side at Yellow and grabs the Mauler. Ducks 1 and 4 attack from opposite directions while Duck 2 and Duck 3 cover them from top of the hill and Purple for epic flag capture victory! You can view Duck Strategy: Quack Protocol Alpha (on Hangar 02 v2) here. [aname=7b][/aname] The hill in fact did start as a full hill with entrances at each 'cardinal point'. At Fritzster's suggestions, we added the pillars and opened the holes. I apologize in advance for any spawn problems or such. This is my first MLG map, and I did my best spawn wise. I tried to copy maps like Omni and Amplified, but the design varies for every map. I will continue to tweak it, send any suggestions or comments to me. There are indeed plans for a competitive version of the map. Give it some time. I am friends with about 15 guys with recon, so I invited a couple for the game. Yes, they are real, not a modded video. And I have no intention of telling you who they are unless they want to be known, sorry. This map includes a few tactical jumps that can be risky, but if executed corrected can help immensely. Remember that these can be done from both sides. Here are a few: At the top of the hill (1), jump as far as you can straight down the hill (2). At the instant you touch the ground, crouch and jump (3). This will propel you forward with the momentum of the previous jump, which if done properly will land you on top of the door jump up (4). From there you can crouch jump into the base (5). This tactical slide jump allows you quick access to the opposing base. At the right spot (1), jump at the small ledge built into the Foundry walls (2). The instant your about to hit it, crouch and jump off that ledge (3). Done correctly you can land on top of the base (4). This tactical ghost ledge jump allows you to not be required to use the dumpster jump or ramp, which can surprise the enemy or help you get to the top easier. Note that on the opposite side, it is easier to jump where there are windows in the wall. Click the images below to download the map and gametypes. [aname=8][/aname] [aname=9][/aname] There's a whole lot of people to thank about this map. I most certainly could not have done this by myself, this map is pretty much totally thanks to all these people. Normally, I'd go right into my list of thanks, but I just need to say before: Sir Toppum Hat1, thanks for making this map work in the first place. Your a really great at Forge, understand what I want done, and capable of doing it perfectly and quickly. If you'll have me, I'm up for making another map with you. Fritzster, thanks for getting my interest up with this map. I was kind of iffy about the map before, but after talking about the map design with you, that pretty much accelerated the map to what it is now. Also, thanks for looking at the map and advising with the design, and helping out as the map progressed. Xanon, thanks for help in general. Your MLG expertise has helped a lot, you tested a ton, you came up with the Duck Strategy, and came up with the name. AZN FTW, thanks for your help - even though you suck at MLG. Badly. Go play some matchmaking or something, dude. Penguinish and DRiSCOLL, thanks for the super pro looking Photoshop jobs. Mr Smiley and meleemaster246 for the screenshots. Bl00D F1R3, thanks for doing the video...whenever it comes out. Matty, looking over the map and making some suggestions, and helping for the write up. Quiganomenometry (Orangeremi), for helping on the MLG side of things. Roche178, Mini Waz, and RageGummy, for having the best accents ever. Pretty much everyone on my friends list that I haven't mentioned yet - particularly those that were in for the pictures. Lastly, thanks to the Testers Guild and practically all my friends for testing.
wow that took a while to read. Anyway, This looks really sweet. Do you think it would work for normal gametypes becaus my friends hate MLG but they will play normal gametypes on this (even though weapon set is MLG). Won't comment on gamplay yet but I like the layout. EDIT: I was going for first download but I have to settle for fifth
I remember playing a game of KoTH on this map. After that I was booted cuz I had no mic but I enjoyed this map fairly well. I love the X structure in the center. Its perfect to escape incoming fire and the box in the middle will allow you to avoid grenades. I give 5/5.
I cant believe you finally posted this map. It seems all the great maps are put forth before Sandbox...(reference to Revival) Loved it when Black Koncept and I tested with you, AZN, and Toppum, few days after TGIF #26. AzN needs to learn how not to get ninja'd. lol But seriously, this map is extremely well forged. I love the evolution of Organic (fluid, curved) Architecture shown recently, and the playability of said architecture. The only complaint was that the inside hill seemed really close to the ground (not a really bad thing!) and that one spawn where i literally took a step forward from the divider in Foundry, turned right, and you and Toppum were 2 ft away from me!. i know you addresed the spawns, but i hope that you addresed that specific one! I shall DL, and see what you've changed :]
very nice map. i would say that this map is feature worthy. at first the map didnt appeal to me. then pic after pic i realized the map was very very nice. the structure in the middle reminds me of the giant hill on Valhalla. where everyone rushes to confront one another.i like how the map is great for king of the hill. i also like how you broke each section down and explained, tactical jumps, and had a lot of action pics. the map is really great and i am going to download and play. very nice map. you should be very proud.
This is just epic. The post is among the most detailed I've seen. As for the map i've played a lot of games with you, slayer is amazing CTF; amazing, KOTH; amazing. Honeslty this is one of the best maps i've played, the center structure is awesome and provides some amazing gameplay and the use of teleporters on the map is perfect without ruining the gameplay. I have no doubt this will be featured. 5/5, i'm glad I was able to help test this.
Finally! Its posted! YAY! Anyhow, easily one of my overall favorite MLG maps to play on. You see, every point, every kind of entry and every spot has a plus. And also a negative. What I like also is that, unlike a lot of MLG maps posted these day, Requiem has a ton of call outs. With these call outs, the players are able to work together as an actual TEAM. Which I made clear to you and of course Toppum, that Call outs are vital in any MLG map. In my opinion, Requiem isn't like any other MLG map out there. It brings forth a fresh, clean and original lay-out unlike anything ever experienced. In conclusion, after the dozens and dozens of tests, and tips, and tweaks I beleive this to be both you and Toppums pride and glory. With truly balanced and unique play style, I give this map a 10/10. Why? Because its ****in sick. that's why. DL this now. And I beleive I speak for the majority here,
Looks pretty good *cough*tripple post*cough* I like the new layout, at first i didn't think it was very MLG but the pictures told everything. Next time i suggest you zoom out a little so the pictures focus on the map and not just two huge spartans taking up 80% of the photo. Other then that it looks really neat, good interlocking, geomerges look straight. I'll download if i can and get a game on it sometime. Maybe we'll see it tomorrow in TGIF. But you missed my name in the credits Y35 - siik nasty
Only one word to describe to this....GAY! Nah, I'm just playin', lol. Gotcha though huh? But seriously though -- EPIC! This map is awesome for KOTH. Yeah, KOTH it is...
well the map looks very well made, good interlocking geo-merging, you know the stuff. Anyway I cant judge game play since well... I haven't played a game on it yet. I'm sure I'll see this thread again once I've gotten a game on it but honestly this really shouldn't be a MLG map. You should have to versions if anything. MLG is fun but non-MLG in my opinion is even more fun and allows for greater game-play because there will be a different variety of weapons. For the map 4/5 without having a gameplayed on it yet.
first thing i would have to say is... OMFG a MLG map that doesnt look like everyother MLG map! anyways the map looks really good and i like how you showed different tactics and jumps in your overly aesthetic post (which is a good thing) also speaking of aesthetics those are really good and i cant see improvment untill i play test it and for gameplay nothing until i test it in the end good job insane and keep making maps (honestly i didnt know he made maps)
Awesome Insane and Toppum. This map is very fun,unique and epic. GamePlay is a 5/5. I love the hill in the middle. The interlocking and geomerging is perfect.I give it a 10000/5
Oh how i hate mlg maps, there all the same... but omg this made me not hate them its very different thank you toppum and insane and finally its out, the hill is an ****, the geomerging is extremely well. Gameplay was very fun. koth was a blast controlling a real hill! all in all orgasmic, feature nao nubs paulies amazing review 10/10 :-D
looks pretty crazy. You have a very unique forging style, and you presented your map very well in your post. Howd you manage to get a guy with recon?
Wow, this map is off the hook, the curved platform in the middle, pure art. this map is perfect, great merging, interloxor, everything. My hopes this is chosen for the next MLG pro circuit
This map is a 0/100000000 because you tripple posted! I want a 3 paragraph essay delivered to me about how evil tripple posting is!!!!!! And apolagize to everyone on forgehub for you haenous crime against society by showing is your beutifully made map, with great callouts! Witch is unique for a mlg map. Also I wish to inquire if there is a power weapon in hill! Also your forging gave me a forgegasam LOL
Wow, this map looks as if a bungie employ designed it.Everything is smoothly/cleanly/evenly Geomerged and Interlocked. You should try to figure out how to get it added to Bungie's Mlg Playlist.This could be the next onslaught! 6/5 Cant wait for this to get featured!
Nice I see you got it up.The photoshop looks awsome and the map is great 5/5 I enjoyed helping you also the gameplay is awsome the maps very fun.