Zombie Cage NOTE: This is my first attempt at making a decent map so constructive critisism is much appriciated. Introduction "Zombie Cage" is a Foundry based map that uses the "Caged Beasts" gametype and is recommended for use with 6-16 players. It involves scenery that spawns at specific times during the game, and the need for stratergy and teamwork for the humans to win. Map and Gametype Information: General - One life per round. - 10 minute time limit. - Unlimited ammo for all. - Friendly fire is off. - 25% of players start as zombies. Zombies - 2000% damage resistance - Normal shields - 10% shield leech - NO SHIELD RECHARGE (important to game) - 25% speed - 200% gravity (not important to game) - Primary weapon Battle Rifle - Secondry weapon Brute Shot Humans - 100% damage resistance - Normal shields (2x overshield for LMS) - Normal recharge - 100% speed - 100% gravity - Primary weapon SMG - Secondry weapon random Scoring - 1 point for killing a human - 5 points for killing a zombie - 5 points for being Last Man Standing Weapons and Equipment - 2x Rocket Launcher - 2x Spartan Laser - 2x Plasma Pistol - 2x Needler - 3x Bubble Shield (One for Zombies) - 2x Regenerator - 2x Flare - 2x Radar Jammer - 4x Trip Mine - 4x Power Drain - 2x Active Camo - 2x Overshield Points of Intrest - Four teleporters that take the user to a random corner. - Fusion coils for extra zombie damage. - Wraith turrets. General Idea The map consists of four small bases and a cage where the zombies spawn. The cage is made from window panels and fence walls so that bullets can reach the zombies and humans, but zombies cannot escape. There are fusion coils on a pallet above the cage which can be shot down to damage the zombies, although they can be damaged with weapons as well. Human must weaken the zombies overtime until they eventually die. With a 3:1 (human:zombie) ratio it can be tough to escape the infection in larger games, but easier to kill the zombies by working together. Between 60 and 180 seconds scenery, weapons and equipment will magiclly appear on the map to help aid the humans in there efforts. I'm not that good with words so lets see what this map is really like. When the game starts there are four human spawn bases, the zombie cage and some random scenery placed on the map; whether it be for cover or just to brighten up the place. At 60 seconds, stairs and boxes spawn at each end as the start of the overhead platform. On the stairs rocket launchers and spartan lasers spawn. By 120 the platform has extended to offer a new level to the map and two plasma pistols. At 150 the overhead platform spawns, lined with shield doors. At 180 a collection of power drains, fusion coils, needlers and wrath turrets spawn as the final help for the humans. Download Zombie Cage Map Download Caged Beasts Game
This is pretty good! At first i saw the title and was like, "Another useless zombie trapped in boxes infection map." I'm glad i took the time to open it though. It's a better idea of infection than one-shot-kill zombies but it's still not all that original. Apart from originality this map is pretty neat and i like seeing interlocking but i have another concern. Have you tested it if so tell me how it plays because it looks nearly impossible for the humans to win because magnum 100% damage versus BR and random weapon (rocket, lazer, etc.) x3 Oversheild, and 2000% Damage resistance equals annilation. So maybe tweak the gameplay unless you say you've tested it and it's balanced. Keep Forging!
I agree with 'Bass Forger" it may be hard to kill the zombie. but with a lot of humans it will make the game a lot more fun. I would like to of seen more interlocking and geomerging though because if someone can get good at those two techniques, it will really stand out to me. The idea of the map itself is very interesting. I have saw maps like this before but usually its a small area, on this map it gives the humans a large change for survival, which is original. Nice work 4/5
Write the post in any color other than white. Those of us using the "oldschool" skin of the site cannot read your post.
This is really good even if it wasnt your first map. From the looks of everything after it spawns you could get out of the map though. Oh and what "myshotsakill" said about more interlocking and geo-merging, I dont think you could done much better for this kind of map.
Well, there are several problems with this map if you ask me. The oversheild and power ups should be merged into the box so a grenadejump cannont reach them. Also it would appear to be anoher prison break, duckies map with a trapped zombie. And truth is nobody will ever want to play this map over the all time greats. sorry if i was slightly harsh.
I am going to download this map and gametype for use with... Custom Game Saturday! It will be the first game & map that wasn't made by Sesshomuru or myself, or a collaboration of us. The gameplay could be slightly hard for the humans, though. If the zombies were to spawn with, for example, a rocket as their secondary weapon, it would make the humans useless. They also have oversheild and 2000% damage resistance. I would have to modify the damage resistance and sheilds for the zombies, but altogether, this seems like a very interesting map and gametype that I will test out on Saturday. Read my Signature for information on Custom Gametype Saturday. I do believe that it was purposely made so that you CAN reach the power-ups, as they were listed in the "Weapons And Equipment" section of his description.
Changes have been made I just need to reload them onto my fileshare. Actually no the power-ups listed are in the bases, not up there. Although collecting the power-ups isn't a problem, getting out the map is, and i will have to work on that. There are no grenades but buddy jumps will get you out, unfortunatly.
It looks like the humans will be able to drop into the cage from the platform and assassinate the zombies. You should fix that with a roof or something.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my thread everyone. In response the the above comment, it offers the humans a chance to be sneaky at a risk. If they jump in they could get a cheap kill or get ripped to shreads. I would of had a roof though but fusion coils do more damage if they land inside the cage and not on a roof. Anyway I'm off now night peoples.
is there a time limit?, maybe you could make the zombie spawn in a cage up in the air, so he can shoot down and such, or maybe have like 4 cages on the perimeter of the map with teleporters ofor the zombie or something. but ii really hope it is fair for the zombie.
This map is very original with the objects spawning at different times. though the map shows a good objective the story line is yet to be told. I think a good map deserves a good story to go with it. i played this map with a party and no human could survive 1 minute i suggest making the humans a bit stronger. This map gets a 3/5 from me.
Very sorry to anyone that recently downloaded it. I'm new to forgehub so i forgot to change the links after i changed the game and map on my fileshare. If you see this please reload it since the gametype is more balenced now and the map is slightly better too.
Wow, interlocking on a first map? That actually surprised me. When I was reading the post, I was expecting to scroll down to two fence boxes placed together in the middle if Foundry and random crap everywhere else. But it looks like you even madfe your own back wall. Well done. Do all zombies spawn inside this cage?
Yes, they do. Ok I think the game type has been tweaked now to make it balenced but I haven't tested it properly yet. The spawning outside of the box glitch is fixed too.
at the beginnin zombies can escape by jumping on heads i think u should fix dis because its obviouse but overall a 4/5
I played this map and saw only one flaw and that is hiding until the floating base spawns and then jumping in with all of the humans and assassinating the zombies