ABigScaryBear's Screenshots Part 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by ABigScaryBear00, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. ABigScaryBear00

    ABigScaryBear00 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here are even more screen shots from me some of these are average but i want more opinions

    Russian Ambush Squad

    Rainbow Spartan

    Darkness Spike

    Dark Focus

    Some of these names I want changed but i want to know the best of these four
  2. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    I like the third one alot.Overall these are good.3.5/5
  3. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    Hmm ... I like the first one. Simple, but cool. The second is way too bright, the third is way too dark (which, I understand, is the goal, it's a little too dark.) I like the fourth. It's pretty cool.

    I think the best is the first, oddly enough. My favorite, at least.

    3.5/5 overall.
  4. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OK I'm gonna give a review on these one by one

    1st. The first picture is ruined by the Mark V armor. The tree cuts through it. But on the other hand it is an OK picture for one without effects. 2.5/5

    2nd. The second one is really bright. So bright you can barely see the spartan at all. Try it again with lower Brightness. 1.5/5

    3rd. This one is very dark to the point where you can only see those blue things on the Spiker. make it a bit easier to see and it could turn out better. 1.5/5

    4th. The fourth is not that great either. just a simple effect and big sphere which I'm guessing is a flare or bubble shield. 1/5

    Maybe you should go to the screen shot guide section.

    Overall Rating: 6.5/10
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like Darkness Spike. The rest don't really appeal to me though. I took me a second to find the spartans in the last pic, the seconds one's a little bright, and the first one is kinda boring. I see some potential in you in screenshot taking. Good job.
  6. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    First one made me laugh, the name fits.The rest look like pics seen in everyone else's. 2/5

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