Well, here is a short guide to help you take a cool looking picture, ok so first go into forge on either Ghost town, avalanche, blackout or cold storage *i find that ghost town is the best, in the secret room where the zombies spawned on Living dead*. Place a "juicy" effect thing and place several spike grenades in a dark area of the map. Save then quit. Go on slayer custom game then go to where you placed the spike grenades, then Get another person to throw the spike grenade either to the left or right of you. When you watch it in theater you have to get the right moment just after the grenade explodes, and then take the shot, i hope this helped, sorry if some of you already knew this Try different weapons and positions till it looks good also you can throw some flame grenades in the background, like this one: if you feel that its to bright either: a) find a darker spot on the map b)wait a little bit after the explosion, it gets darker the longer you leave it unitl the lighting effect disappears I just found out these 2 new things: 1.When you place a deployable cover behind your sparten then stick the grenade at the base of it pointing up then you can create an effect like this one: 2.if you leave it abit longer after th egrenade goes of, the explosion will turn from a bright redy orange glow to a muilticoloured blast like this one:
wow i am doing this in theater right now it looks better than in the picturers brilliant guide 1000/1000 or just 5/5
beautiful guide sir! seems i can make some pretty good shots from this. thank you! This is gonna help me with some screenies 4/5 for the guide 4/5 for the pics