Foundry MisterRemy's Foundry maps (Pics)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MisterRemy, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. MisterRemy

    MisterRemy Ancient
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    The first three pics are of the map "Infinyte"
    This map is one of my best interlocked maps i've ever constructed.
    It's a Team Slayer based map that features Rockets and a Sniper in the middle.
    There are also two lifts to the left and right of the middle section, launching players up to the sniper.
    These next pics are of the map "Legacy Front"
    A pretty large map for what it's worth,
    Legacy Front was designed originally to be a zombie map, but my brain started shooting ideas left and right and before I knew it,
    I had made an excellent Team Slayer map preferably for 5 vs 5.
    It's main feature is the lift that brings players to the upper structure.
    These ones are of a recent "Non-Interlocked/Geo-merged" map I made named
    With this map I began to try to make something a little bit like Guardian.
    Although it's nothing near where I had originally planned it to be,
    it turned out to be an evenly based map with a several layered areas for Slayer, CTF, Bomb, and Zombie games.
    To finish things off are a couple o' pics of probably my best map up to date
    The structure is the most unique I have ever made.
    Despite some minor flaws, this is the most fun of my maps to play (Or so my friends think so.)
    The spotlights on this map are the Overshield in the middle, the Sniper upstairs, the sword in the lower area,
    and the rockets in the back.
    I normally always make the power weapons respawn after three minutes.
    There are conveniently placed BR's also.
    I apologize if the shots don't show enough of the maps.
    They are, after all, pretty large maps.


    Legacy Front



    #1 MisterRemy, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2009
  2. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Hmm, The maps are really good, but you Must Have a proper description for each map, and have a download link for each map, not to your fileshare, which is not aloud. The maps all look good, I really like the designs of them all, you have a unique design for all the maps, different from alot of people, which looks really nice.

    Good Job !
    1st map= 4/5
    2nd map= 4/5
    3rd map= 3/5
    4th map=4/5!
  3. JarHead

    JarHead Ancient
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    These maps are really cool and have awesome merging, it must have taken some time to do all of it. Just to tell you, you need to have a link to each map and not to your fileshare because of forum rules stated
    But other then that the maps looked awesome.
    The maps look like they should be on the featured.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    So in less than 10 minutes you have downloaded and played a proper 4v4 on each of these maps there by enabling you to accurately judge the gameplay.

    You make me facepalm a thousand times over. Stop making these retarded grading scales. You've no authority to judge, especially since you haven't downloaded and played them.

    Stop. Looking. At. Just. The. Pictures.


    MisterRemy, yes you have to update the post. My suggestion is seperate each map into its own post. You don't have to make it a map pack. If you do make each their own post, I would suggest adding more pictures and organizing your post in general wouldn't hurt.

    I took the liberty of grabbing download links for you.


    Legacy front



    Just quote, copy and paste the links next to each map description.
  5. Phantasm

    Phantasm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. 4/5
    2. 5/5
    3. 3/5
    4. 5/5

    LOL jk i will have to dl and then judge later duh. anyway they look nice. they all seem to have a similar design to them. looks good. ill get back to you.
  6. JAC Overlord

    JAC Overlord Ancient
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    Wow, these maps look really good! I think that the one that's not geo-merged/interlocked actually looks pretty good. It does seem to look like a Guardian-like appearance, and the maps overall look very well done. I can't say they play well, as I haven't played them yet, but from the pics, they look rather good.
  7. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    I haven't played the maps yet, though I can tell that the skill of forging in all 4 maps is incredibly good, forgewise I'd give a 4.8/5 to all of them, though I don't know anything about the gameplay but so far so good, great forging ;)
  8. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    You seem to ave your own style of forging. Its quite refreshing. The maps look very good, a little sloppy at some points, but good non the less. Ill DL Infinyte because it looks the best to me. Ill rate later!
  9. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    Since my research has told me that a large variable in game play is whether the map has many levels or not, being that the more difference in altitude and variation the better it plays, I will give an estimate as to that these maps should play very well. I will not give a number as to how much I believe I am right, as to the players above might be aggravated by such actions. I can tell you that these are very well forged maps and not only do they surpass many of the maps made on this site, but they definately have the chance to be featured.
  10. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    You are exactly right! Most people judge on the maps by there looks rather then gameplay I think that people before they judge the maps have a rating for looks and Gameplay

    I think these are good maps I will test them out a little later but I know that I wil fairly judge them.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    because of the new bungie, u cant post maps to the forum. they just live in filesets on ur profile
  12. Pomegranate17

    Pomegranate17 Ancient
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    this is a pretty cool map and i like that u used fenceboxes for the floor instead of just boxes in some parts; catwalks and fusing are nice touches; on the downside i dont think that u wanted people to get to the overshields camos or powerup; if this is the case, put them in the wall or ground next time if ur trying to make them say which teams side is which; but overall this is a nice map 3/5
  13. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    hey man really nice maps. i downloaded all of them and they are all my style maps. i like how they are all slayer maps. i would say my favorite is shutdown. i also like infinyte. the holes in the ground. i always fall in them.

    very nice maps!
  14. Phantasm

    Phantasm Ancient
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    Hello there, im Phantasm. I hope my recent post didnt sound like a load of crap or somehow offended u in any way. I said I would get back to you, and I have. I have dled all four maps and they all play very nicely. Let me grade each one independently.

    Infinyte: This map has a spectacular layout. I like that you used a custom as the main powerup, and how there are 2 distinct levels. I also like how there is plenty of cover, but not as much near the power up. This makes it more of a daring feat to grab it. Excellent 5/5

    Legacy Front: This map's layout reminds me of Epitaph, with a steadily increasing height on one side and lift on the other. As I said before, all 4 seem to share the definite 2 level design. I do not like how this map plays however. It is more of a FFA map than teams, but overall a good map. 4/5

    Geo-Pit: The style of bridges going around tall colomns has been a favorite of mine for some reason. The middle cage makes me feel like im on top of the world. However, the amount of cover on this map is very low and gameplay becomes blah after a short time. 3/5

    Shutdown: The "hilly" platforms on this map are what give it its aesthetics. I really like this map and think it's perfect for FFA and also very fun for team slayer. It happens to be my favorite out of the four. I played more games on it than the other 3 combined. Fantastic 5/5

    I hope this comment is to your liking and helps you in further maps to come. I was warned by admins because of my previous post. Apparently it was considered spam. I said I'd get back to you tho. And I have. Keep on forging because the maps were great.

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