Foundry Renewal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Iv0rY Snak3, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    ok first off i have to say "i cant beleive this isnt mlg"

    Definelty the best one base maps i've ever seen and played on. I did only play one flag, (but to 5). i it was most defenitly epic. we played 3v3 and i found it more ammusing then ever. one thing i didnt like though is there wasn't a rocket, but it was made up for. it was very intense once someone had the flag. The spawns were perfect, weapon placement was fine, the gameplay was epic, and the map was more than amazing.

    The structures that were built on this map were something i would have never thought of. The structures are also not random and have amazing uses (like the arch going across the map) It was so much fun to get up there and try to br down the enemies. (is this map any fun for vip).

    The gameplay went so well, which is what i like better than i do athestics. So many people go judging buy the pictures when it only matters some. But rather for me i dl the map (its staying on my xbox) and played a game of 3v3 one flag. I have to thank you for the map it was a great enjoyment. I hardly never see one base maps, but the one's i do arent to great. Great job ivory i think its ur best yet
  2. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    Ivory dude you forge sooo fast, I know you get that alot. this map has crazy geos though.

    I look forward to your Sandbox damnation r3mayck kthbai k?
  3. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    That arch just gave me a forgegasm. Looks very clean, and well thought out, and god. That Arch is my favourite thing. This will stay on my Hard Drive

    What ever, seems my last piece of content here was too childish. So instead, I will just leave this thread.
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Feeture Nao indeed.

    I love this map. I haven't gotten to play a game on it yet, but that will change as soon as I stop typing this and get on my xbox. I love the aesthetics, they are just incredible. The arch man, just wow. I hope the map plays and runs as smooth as it looks.

    Good work =]
  5. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Wow, good thing NovaK edited out his rant a couple pages back...

    Anyways, I gave this map a forgethrough and it is truly amazingly forged. I'm not sold on the idea of incorporating half of the back hall the way you did with the standing barriers... it just seemed a bit unnecessary and it has certainly been used a lot lately. The merging techniques, as clearly many people have said, are top-notch. Your forge skills are amazing, and I'm glad you shifted over from MLG to Competitive for this one, so I can put this in my customs.
  6. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Hey! this looks really great, i dloaded it earlier but i didnt have enough time to post(lol?) anyways, it is original indeed with the curved wall bridge and box bridge, very nice. i managed to play a game or two of CTF and it was really fun. I had a blast playing it, and the brute shot as well as the sniper worked well with the gameplay and flow of the map. I tried doing the ghost trick on that one curved wall and failed horribly a couple times but had fun doing it-even though i died 10 times to get it right-but i got it and it was kool, then while i was on it i got hijacked=epic fail, lol...

    anyways, it was kinda easy to get to some place that probably werent meant to get to exactly, but it didnt really matter since it took too long and too many nades. merging is amazing as always i dun take interlocking into play since almost everyone does it nao. it is very asthetically pleasing to the eye. gamplay again is very good, and! once again good job, if i had to rate, it'd be close to a 5/5(maybe more like a 4.7 ot 4.8)
  7. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Yea. It just bugs me when people say stuff like "Feature Nao" or "6/5" and in general act like they're 12. I mean, the arch is cool, but when people are like "omg get me my sock" it takes it too far and really makes FH look bad.
  8. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    very nice map. at first glance i thought wow the ramp in the middle is really cool. i then looked deeper into the map and i found that its a very well forged map. i really like how the map is quite random. the structures are all very well forged. i also like how the stairs are halfway placed into the ground. it really shows what your map is all about.

    a very nice map that is feature worthy. i will definitely download and play with my friends. as for you, you need to keep making maps.

    let me know if you ever want to party up and forge, Mich Master 32
  9. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Bout time... I wish you'd have let me in on the end stages of the map. I liked building the few structures that I did. I guess I get no credit for any of it though. :-(

    You may need a weapon set to go with the post.

    By the way, if there is anything i can do for a V2 let me know. I had my xbox back for awhile now.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Forges fast? Hah. That's a joke, it took him a year to publish the damn thing.

    I remember you showing us the arches back in the Yom for Mod thread. Very surprising, I was shocked to learn that you didn't steal from yomtvraps.

    On topic, what's the deal with the random staircase merged into the ground in the seventh pic? What purpose does it serve?
  11. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Yeah I playtested this map a long ass time ago, I'm guessing you saw it on your own hard drive and then decided to release it after the long ass wait.

    Anyway this did play extremely well back when I did play it. I definitely prefer it most for one flag (although I liked slayer better than something like Kentucky Tango slayer) and it actually played pretty nice with and without BR starts.

    Nice job, and theres one map you should be finishing before sandbox (renosirp)
  12. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    It is a ramp and original abstract aesthetics. from there you can easily jump to the boxes. It is to fit the abstract look of the map or else it wouldn't have been flipped on it's side.
  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Sorry, I seriously meant to give thanks to you Shad0w and Chipths but it was really late and I needed to wake up early this morning... sorry

    I'm kind of on the line about giving co-creator though cause I re-did most of what you did, I left the awesome parts though *cough flag enclosure cough*

    Anyway, to that guy who said the barriers in the back were really old and unoriginal, I made this at least 6 months ago, if not more, so back then it was =P
  14. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    That's ok. If there needs to be any work done on the map for a v2 I would gladly help. Co-editor isn't needed I guess. I admit I didn't do too too much because I couldn't figure out what to do at first then I got red ring.
  15. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    I took a look around in forge, and I have to say. This is some of the greatest forging ever. I'm not gonna go over that much, because that's all that 90% of the people before me did. What I do want to talk about, is the lack of power weapons, I spent like 10 minutes looking around; besides the ghost, the most powercull weapon is the brute shot. Located right by the ghost,even the plasamapistol is on the attackers side so the ghost is pretty strong. Weres the :punch: This isn't MLG, I like variety in my weapons! Through in a sentinel beam, a laser, I don't care! Just give me a power weapon!
    4 crying rocket whores, out of 5

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