this was gonna be my secret weapon for my next infection map, but it would go too good with Manifest's ( Helps on The Way Right) sequel to pass up, Left-4-Dead style spawning weapons,. Put 16 SMG's in the map, appear at start : no respawn time : longest possible (can't remember right now) Runtime minimum : 8 just do it for all the weapons, sometimes zombies will have an advantage, sometimes they won't and gameplay will stay original. P.S. the round would have to be as long as the longest respawn time though, it would be better for a non-linear infection map i think though Thus, the weapons are random, one round there will be a sniper there, the next round it will be somewhere else, if the run time minimum makes it so there has to be part of the amount of a weapon on a map, it will randomly choose which ones to spawn. Discuss and give your own idea's (supposing your not puppy guarding them for your next OMGBBQHAXOR infection map)
You would run out of room real fast if you were going to do it Left 4 Dead style. However, maybe on a bigger, non-foundry map, it could work; however you would still have to guide them through the level. is on crack cocaine. i'm talkin about weapon spawns. and you say that foundry would run out of room. P.S. foundry is plenty big enough. EDIT: VVV Go away.
SMG's are just an example, if you do this with all of the weapons on the map, they will all spawn randomly, say you did this on Manifest, for instance, the first round, all the weapons are where the spawn in the normal map. next round, the shotgun in the first shop is gone, but there is two more assault rifles. essentially, all of the weapons would randomly spawn, different every round, Left-4-dead style. one round, right of the bat, you might get a bunch of snipes and shotty's, but next round you might be stuck with SMG' until you could find better weapons,
I honestly don't think many people will share their ideas. As you said: Most people do not want to share their ideas simply because they are scared people will copy them. EDIT: Replying to the post above me: That is actually a very good idea for an Infection map. It would definitely spice up the gameplay a bit.
yeah, i know. but i prolly wont get the chance to implement this anytime soon, so i thought i would share, the Chrstphornosadfl;kjasdflh guy who made manifest said we wanted to try to use this in the manifest sequal
you cant put something on spawn at start no and respawn Never... doesnt work that way nice try tho... randomizing is something hard to do with halo
You can't have something never respawn if it doesn't spawn at the start otherwise it won't exist. So yeah, the game physically stops you from doing this. Good idea though.
put them on the longest possible spawn time, and have the round last that long, jeesh people use your imaginations.
I was wondering if anyone would point this out before me. But the idea does still stand, you could have them randomly spawn across the map, but they would keep spawning. You couldn't reallly set them to not spawn after the first pick up, unless some kind of spawing switch was used. But I can't think of anyway to do something like that.
um also they spawn in the order they were spawned if im not mistaken from my switch days im like 80% sure of that Edit: also its 180 if DEEJ or watever didnt no... and ya
hmmmmmm. it will be my mission to make this work somehow. gee, thanks for the support people, and nice idea's of your own moochers.
I find it interesting that we both thought of this at the same timeish. I developed this idea about a week ago for my Helljumpers map, but I took it a step further. Here is an example. 8 snipers on the map total. 3 in the map. 5 outside the map. Runtime minimum 5. This is the ratio I am using for most of the weapons in my game. I did over 150 rounds of testing the randomness of the spawns before I decided on this ratio. I would suggest that you do some testing on your own to find what works best for you. One thing is for sure with all randomly spawned objects though, the more objects you have and the higher the runtime minimum is, the more random they will be. That way, it have the random effect without having to cover the entire map with weapons. The problem though, is that the "random" spawn system favors the weapons that you spawn first compared to ones that you spawn afterward, meaning that it is much more likely to spawn the ones that you placed first than the ones you placed last. To combat this, I changed how I spawned the weapons depending on their value: weaker weapons like SMG's I made spawn first, so they are always more likely to spawn on the map, while stronger weapons like snipers, rockets, and swords, I made spawn last, so they rarely appear on the map. I find it a great idea, it works wondrously, but it really drains my resources. The object budget, I think it's called. I wouldn't count on including too many weapons on the map if you want there to be many structures. If you want to see my weapon spawns in action lol, I am going to post in the tester's guild for it. I will include a link to the thread when I make it.