Man, this bites. First, my mother was giving my a ride to the bus (I have not yet gotten my license) On the way there, the brakes go out. Our other van already had the brakes out. So we head back home and try to put brake fluid in, but the line is busted. So, we call my grandpa and he comes to pick us up and we head to my other grandma's house to pick up her van. But, the tires are almost flat, so we headed to a gas station and had them filled up. Then, my grandpa finally got me to school....45 minutes late. So now my family has three busted vehicles (my dad's truck's gas tank is about to fall out) and we have to borrow my grandma's van to get around. And we don't have the money to fix any of them. mg: Long story short, my birthday isn't going very well so far.
That sucks man... I'm sorry to hear that. Happy birthday though. I hope you have a great rest of the day.
guess what? im sorry lol, days like this suck sometimes and thats just the way life goes. You will get something for this, everything happens for a reason.
Happy Birthday. My day hasn't been good either, we had a lockdown at school (someone had a gun apparently), and they searched everything. We couldn't even take our stuff home. I got home at 6:30 when I usually get home at 3:15. As said above, everything happens for a reason, or at least that is my philosophy. Happy Birthday Again, and I hope your days become better.
Man, cliched, but I agree with above. Everything happens for a reason. I regret nothing that happens to me, as I know in the end things could always be worse. And don't worry, your not the only one with sucky birthdays.
I agree in a way, but it's different than if he was allowed to sleep in and go 45 minutes late. (Excuse this corny reference) It's kinda like the Joker's philosophy in The Dark Knight. If it's not sticking to the plan, it doesn't seem right, and even if he didn't want to go to school, that was the plan, and thing after thing went wrong to ruin his day. And don't sweat it, when my sister got her car on her birthday, some jackass almost totaled it.
Dang. Good thing nothing happened! Well, hopefully everything will "even" out in my life. Other than the aforementioned stuff, nothing else has really happened today.:happy:
Wow that does suck, though u could have prevented it. Put some damn brake fluid every once in a while its a pretty standard thing, and easy to detect. just listen to see if your brakes are screeching. btw im getting my license this weekend W00T!
Well, considering the problem is that the brake line is broken (again) is why it is not easy to fix... Congrats on getting your license, by the way! (Maybe...jk)