High Flyer

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Pandacub97, Feb 18, 2009.


Is it a good map?

  1. Yes

  2. Good for a beginner

  3. Bad

  4. SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

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  1. Pandacub97

    Pandacub97 Ancient
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    Hey, this is a circular race track made at the top of Foundry..This is the first time I have ever forged, so I hope its good...and comments or concernes, send me a PM or message me on xbox live (Pandacub97) =) I hope its ok..Thanks =).........I'd also like to thank LionsNate132 for teaching me how to interlock/merge...I'm sorry the pictures wont load....I dont know why....If someone could PM and help me Id surely appreciate that =) <3333

    Down The Ramp
    The First Stretch (Far Side)

    Back Stretch

    The Map: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66639418

    The Gametype: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66639155
  2. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    not bad by first post standards, but not very good by forgehub standards :\. you might want to redo some of the interlocking with the double walls before the start, they look kindof crooked

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ya agreed. id recommend going to look at other's maps and see what they did right and what they did wrong and try to improve from their mistakes (and urs). also, try to make the racetrack have an aspect of originality. most maps these days seem to just be turns and turns and more turns without any fun thing to it (at least on foundry). ive seen elevators and such, but jumps are also cool. experiment with that, or maybe with some shortcuts. think of mario cart, the pinnacle of racing games
  4. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Hmm, ill download then review :)

    hmm well, the interlocking is great for you first track, idk why you made it go under the crane :p, im not sure what the double box opens are for, besides that is prettu much smooth, 3.5/5 just becuase of that stupid crane lol, keep it up, you cold prob make some great stuff! ide like to see more of your tracks if you have any so message me on xbox live!

  5. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    It looks good for a first map but the interlocking does need a little more work. I see potential in this map and i think u should make like a v2 or a better version of this map. Good job though.
  6. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Everyone else here is judging on interlocking which they should not be doing. Sure interlocking is great for looks but what matters the most is the game play. I can't even give a review from the pictures seeing there is only 3 pictures which only give out a small section of the map. and to get away from your person in theater just press the Y button. Put some more pictures up please it would be very helpful
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    The interlocking is not for just "looks". I think you have it backwards. The interlocking is what makes the ride feel smooth.
  8. Pandacub97

    Pandacub97 Ancient
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    well it was my first map and I didnt do the interlocking my friend did, I hardly know how 2 forge, he did most of it....and the pixs show all of the map.....the double open boxes are there so you dont see all the junk from the budget glitch....the person didnt put it outside of the map, i think ill make another one with the stuff outside of the map, my friend got me the one outside of the map so i think ill use that one next......and this is my first map so........but if you wanna help me(I'd love you) message my gamertag =)


    Thanks for the reviews and tips =)

    P.S. Go through the power up thingie THEY LOOK REALLY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    I agree with dream the interlocking improves the flow and the looks of the map tremendously.
  10. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    ok hey...the map accidentally went under the crane, i wasnt really sure if it was gonna mess up the racing until my friend said." yo nate, you are goona get closelined going under that thing", it makes it kinda of like an obstacle...(not one that is on one of those crappy, dodge the stuff racetracks) but more of a prettier obstacle, not some barrel piece of **** in front of you... but this map is more of a fun one, so if you want a better looking one, there might be a v2.....its just supposed to be a round race track, like Dreams one on blackout...and to tell you the truth, i havent really seen any normal oval racetracks
  11. Pandacub97

    Pandacub97 Ancient
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    Yay ty nate <3333333333333 thx 4 helpin meee
  12. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    hey nice map. i would say that you are a very good forger. i would also venture to say this is your first race track. well its very good. i would say that if you spent a little more time on it, it would be a great racing map. nice job.
  13. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Well let me start off by saying For a begginner this si good. There is not much interlocking. If you don't quite know how then you make the object spawn at start: no and the spawn time 180. Then you start a new round and put another object where the one that is not spawned yet is then save and end. When you start a new game they should be interlocked. Remember to start a new round wait for the object to spawn and then turn it to spawn at start: yes. Make sure to mark your objects that aren't spawned for flawless in terlocking. I see you might know how but this is to make it perfect cause thay look sort of crooked. Well thats a rundown. But for now 3/5. Maybe a v2 or a completley new race map is in line. Hope your here for a while send me a message for anything. Or my gamertag xpWn3r kiDx tAt thanks.

    -xpwn3r kidx
  14. Pandacub97

    Pandacub97 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, thanks for all your oppinions........I think I'm going to make a new race track with help from one of my friends.....im just trying to figure out like what map I should put it on.....I'm thinking either Avalanche, Blackout, or maybe sandtrap or another foundry..........I'm leaning toward avalanche andblackout alil more tho.....I dont want my map to be too "original"................lol..

    Happy Forging =)

    Gamertag: Pandacub97
  15. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    One thing to remember, its better to bank the turns then leave them flat, mongeese don't drift very well. From my perspective, i think you need more pics. There is nothing wrong with showing every inch of your racetrack. (as long as there aren't too many duplicates)
  16. Pandacub97

    Pandacub97 Ancient
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    Ummm how do I bank the curves???

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