Hey everyone I need 1 or 2 EA skate 2 partners to make some sweet videos I'm a great video taker...and I am really good at doing trick and finding some sick spots to do tricks and gaps....Well thanks hoping for good reply's. p.s. explain yourself on why i should pick you as a partner and what pros and cons do you have in skate 2!
I'll freeskate with u. I only have 4 friends with Skate 2, and i never get to skate around with them... GT: Shihuru Well I know how lazer flip and Nollie 360 flip. My spot to skate at is Matrix Plaza. It has this hella high gap and this sweet stair you grind down for about 50 ft. Plus i skateboard in real life. =P
Ill be happy to join you, I have very precise fingers so I can do each trick 100% of the time. I skateboard in real life too. What I think looks quite cool and pretty realistic on skate is to ollie into a FS crooked and then nollie pop shuvit out.
I highly doubt you can land difficult tricks like hardflips, lazer flips, 360 flips, etc 100% of the time. The way does tricks are made to be done by the flickit controls makes it very hard to do certain flip tricks. Whenever I try doing 360 flips I'd mostly do a 360 pop shuv instead of that...
OK great I will reply to two of you has soon as I can send me a friends request on xbl....GT: TKOwnedU5