there u go me in skate 2 just a preview better vids coming soon tell me what u think!!!
It was pretty cool. I can't wait for all the "skate-tages" to start flooding the Video forum. I look forward to seeing more videos from you.
I like how my skater has the exact same sweater in the same unzipped fashion. Haha, well decent video. You're lucky to be able to put vids, I want to do that.
The song was too fast paced for the clips. It's basically the chorus of "Paralyzer" to a slow motion line. If you'd picked a slower song or at least a slower part of the song, it would flow much better. I can see you producing some top notch stuff but you've got to just pick your audio better.
Ya sorry you tube had some difficulties trying to upload the real song the first song was corny now vid is sweet glad most of you like it!!!
I'm going to make another video with just the sound affects unless i get a good song for it..glad most of you like the video
there wasnt anything special you did in the vid and flipping through those holes arent that hard. and as said above bad music choice for the vid next time try doing like 360s of 540s through and then "mabey" it will be better sorry.