Welcome to the Alley, this map has been in the works for some time now and is now ready for your enjoyment. This is a map dedicated to a 'protect the President and get him out of here' game play. The assassins have 20 seconds to find a good spot to hide in the winding alley. At the start of the game the President may chose a radar jammer or a flare to take with him. When the door opens he and his guards must make it to the portal out of there without dieing. :WARNING after testing this map many times we have found that this map can be very addicting due to the many strategies. The President starts with a Magnum and needler, the guards and assassins start with Magnums and SMGs. Built for 2v2 - 6v6 players. Thanks to all the people who tested and gave ideas for it. Special thanks to; AnBuKyD G043R Hollow blade and Turbo Gerbil Map Download GameType Download You need bolth
Looks very good I usually like maps like this style. It makes it easier now because of VIP while in Halo 2 it was just choose the president and play. Anyway 4/5 (could've been buildings in the alleyways and could've been bigger)
I like your second to last picture lol. Anyways coolio map. I've only seen one other one of this kind of map, now who's was it... :squirrel_eyebrow: I like this idea. I think more kinds of these objective maps would be cool.
This sounds like a really cool concept. Nice post. -What weapons do the assasins start with and what weapons are they able to pick up from the surrounding area? -Also, shouldn't this be in the casual games thread? Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
-What weapons do the assasins start with and what weapons are they able to pick up from the surrounding area? They get magnums and smgs they can pick up only 1 sniper but they cant move around with it. -Also, shouldn't this be in the casual games thread? I read the descriptions of both and this seemed to fit better here, but it can be moved if needed. -u should give the guards br's. I tried that but it was just way to powerful and had way to long of range. I'll up date my post.
I will DL, simply because I want to yell (after the prez makes it safely to the end of the round) 4 MORE YEARS, 4 MORE YEARS! and Kill the Prez on headlong was the sheets on a bed
Wow...I was playing a map with the same concept last week. Im going to download this for sure. Good work.
I remember the good old days where there was president on h2... *spawn killed, president leaves, assasins keep looking* yeah, I think your version is going to be a bit better. Consider it queued. one last tip too. When making the map, changing the description of the map variant makes it look better, and more serious.
This seems really fun, i think i want to make a map building up the idea from this one. It is very interesting, and i think it could be a hit! 5/5, if this was Bnet, lol :squirrel_chatting:
Nice and creative....But someone is trying to steal it OMG!! http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=6043.0