Heroic DLC War Front

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SnakeEyes U74, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. SnakeEyes U74

    SnakeEyes U74 Ancient
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    War Front

    Link: Halo 3 File Details

    War Front is one of the oldest battle grounds between the UNSC and the Covenant. On the UNSC side only human weapons and vehicles. On the Covie side only Covie weapons and vehicles. there is balance between power on each side. 10-16 players fits all game types. The game play of this map is awesome there is little geomerging and interlocking combined with tremenous scenery done by me, awsome map my friends can vouch for it.


    Carbine x 3
    Grav Hammer x 1
    Beam Rifle x 1
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Fuel Rod Cannon x 1
    Power Drain x 1
    Trip Mine x 1
    Sword x 1
    Spiker x 2
    Battle Rfile x 4
    SMG x 2
    Shotgun x 2
    Sniper Rfile x 2
    Magnum x 2
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Frags x 8
    Plasmas x 8
    Deployable Cover x 1
    Bubble shieldx1

    Warthog, Gauss, 2
    Warthog x1
    Mongoose x 3
    Chopper x 2
    Ghost x 2
    Banshee x1

    Covie Base, Choppers Spawn

    UNSC base Gauss Hogs spawn

    UNSC base rear hallway exit


    Overviewof map

    Over ViewOf Covie Base

  2. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    from the pictures i cant really tell what this map is about or what you even changed on standoff, try explaining what you did more and better pictures, maybe im just confused though.
  3. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    All it looks liek you did was put some vehicles in it and some sheild doors. Try making the bases more complex and a lot beter. Also,make this map have a point to it,right now its just you going back and forth in vehicles
  4. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    competitive maps can be difficult to make on Standoff simply because the terrain is so vast, you cant really change its shape. (the fact that you don't have too many immovable objects available doesn't help either) That's why you don't see too many competitive maps on Valhalla or Sandtrap. Most are casual.
  5. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    i don't really see the point of this map, looks like all you did is edit the bases and throw a random shield door or two. 2.5/5
  6. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    the map doesnt look that different than a heavy standoff. the map looks ok. i like the banche platform.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    every person who doesn't get what this map is. its a change in gameplay from the standard standoff. he's not trying to make a super cool interlox map that has terrible gameplay like half the maps posted here, but is hopefully trying to improve the gameplay as he sees fit.
  8. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    Try adding more pictures because I don't really understand what is added. Looks like a fun BTB map with a lot of friends. This doesn't look like much of a competitive map though. 3.5/5
  9. SnakeEyes U74

    SnakeEyes U74 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    if you have played on it in all game types then you will see the difference, you do not have to geomerge or interlock a map to change the game play or make it look good. the map is awesome for Assault because you have to open the doors to plant the bomb so tactics and game play change for Defense and offense. The scenery in the map is awesome along with all my other maps. I just simply believe that Interlocking and geomerging and other forms of glitching is a form of cheating or ruining the purpose of a classic forged map. almost everyone on my friends list knows i am awesome at scenery so good it changes the gameplay. Please download it and try it. Thank you.

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