Yeah I just Pre-Ordered Rainbow Six Vegas 2, but one question about it. Will the person who wins get the game before it starts on store shelves? The Pre-Ordered ones ship on the 18th and the store ones sell on the 25th, but will the 1v1 tourny winner have to wait till like april 5th to get theres because of like shipping information and all that? Just wondering because I would like to play Vegas 2 with them when they get it.
man i am totally confused from what you just said im just going to buy the game :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf:
I was wondering if the person who wins the 1v1 game will get their copy of the new Rainbow before the pre-orders come through the mail to people who have pre-ordered or will it come waaaaay later on like in april 5th. If it comes sooner, I want to play with them. Are you going to pre-order it? If so, I'll play with you
FH will mail it when they get it. I live in the UK. So IF i manage to win the tourney, i will have already bought Vegas...
I might pre-order it if i get a chance to get to the city, but i getting for sure i love tom clancy and rainbow six vegas. so yeah i'll play with yah whenever i get it.
i wanted the game for my brithday, but it so close to my birthday that even if i preordered it, it wouldn't come by my birthday, the 19th.......