List of halo 3 hiding places.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by gobbles, Mar 10, 2008.


Do you like hiding places in halo?

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. meh

  1. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Okay this is how you hide in team doubles. You and a friend go into team doubles, get the lead (or just be happy with being tied), then you go to hiding spots. I know a lot of people hate the people that do this, but it's so much fun. Flaming people that do it at the end of the match just adds to the fun. Anyway, back on topic, I decided to make a list hiding spots for Halo. I can't post any right now, because it's late, but tomorrow I will start posting spots. All of you are free to post spots of your own. I want to keep the topic clean, so I will embed pics for each spots.
  2. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    i know a hiding place in valhala. the defenders base (facing ocean) have a back part with a inclined plane to the right. placing a surface near it or grenade jumping to the slope will slide u down unless you continue to jump. here is a hiding place in the structure and if u go further up a sniping spot.
  3. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    this belongs in halo discussion.

    also, there is a spot on narrows, if you jump onto the ring on the bottom, then you crouch jump into the things that hold the ring up. if you do it right, you won't die and its hard to find you.

    heres a vid
  4. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    sorry, I will ask a mod to move it, I did not realize there was a halo section when I posted this. Thank both of you for the spots. The spot on Valhalla can also be partner jumped.
  5. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    There is one on snowbound...

    In the main rooms where the beam rifle and S.Laser spawn there are poles down the side which you can climb up and you dont appear on radar
  6. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    "alright we have the lead, everybody hide!"

    ^how real men play halo
  7. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    its more fun to fight than hide! do like the place on narrows though!
  8. icedemon

    icedemon Ancient
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    thers one on guardian where u jump onto the arch leading from the middle to os and if u crouch jump right then u can jump onto a trunk that goes really far up. then, theres another where u can hit the explosive on sniper tower to get u on top of that ledge, then jump to another trunk above the other one or get a good jump from that branch to that high platform over the middle.
  9. frigoc1

    frigoc1 Ancient
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    oh, this thread is awesome! i love hiding!
  10. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I know of a hiding spot on Construct not accessible by normal means, but you but stuff up there and nobody knows what is going on. K, you know that sword room? Up the ramp into that big atrium lik e room, there are two recesses along the tops of the walls. I can't really describe it, but just explore the upper parts of that room. It's there.
  11. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I know what you're talking about for the spot near the sword room, but the spot that you can't get to normally can't be used in a real game. Which is not what were trying to list :(. I think I know which one you are talking about though.
  12. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Ancient
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    I hate hiders. Most of the time I can get them becasue I always check films to see new spots. Halo isnt about hiding its about chilling out and killing your friends, hiders ruin the game for everyone. Besides Bungie has fixed most hiding spots now with update 1.1 so now you have to play fair,
  13. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    Gobbles and I do this all the time on TD! We are addicted to winning cheaply by hiding and getting the other team angry. :squirrel_evil:
  14. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I know about 30 or 40.

    I will show some of the good ones.

    On guardian you can jump from the bubble shield into a tree.

    On guardian elbow you can climb the tree, you can also get above the door at the top of the ramp.

    On guardian you can use the barrel explosion to launch you into the middle bit of the map. You can also use it to fire you vertical and you can land at the top of the tree.

    On guadrian near blue room. you can jump off the side of a ramp and land in a very small corner that you cant be shot at from.

    On guardian under the big lift you can jump off the map and land on a tree at the very bottom.

    On narrows there are over 5 places that you can jump off the map, landing on various objects and not dying.

    On construct there are 3 of the above. There are also a few locations that you can jump to, also with a friend you can get to the roof area of the main lobby, which is probably the best spot of all maps.

    On isolation you can get stuck inside the big shoot that takes u from shotgun to rocket, no one will ever find you there.

    On the pit you can jump from where the plasma grenades are (near rocket) onto the yellow boards against the wall, and follow them around alot of the map.

    I will post a few more soon.
  15. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I know most of the spots you listed, but one I haven't heard of is the guardian one where you jump off near the big lift and land on a tree really far down. I'm going to send you a friend request so if you're online you can show me it if you want. If anyone wants to know some spots you can PM me when I'm on.
  16. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I know all of these. It's funny how you list all these complex ones, and then, you end with the one on the pit that takes one jump. Although the yellow boards are easy to get to, they are really helpful. If I am about to die, I retreat back to my side and jump on the yellow boards to avoid grenades. Also, if the opponent is relentless and charges to your side, they don't see you.
  17. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    There are like abajillion on guardian, and lots of ppl are adding hiding spots to their forged maps now, its great
  18. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    yeah, I think that hiding is now an official part of the game. BTW did anyone hide in the living dead playlist on double experience weekend, I did. They patched the hiding spot under the ramp in matchmaking, but they forgot to keep it patched for the living dead playlist, it was fun
  19. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    hahaa me and gobbles hide in doubles all the time. it is kinda cheap, but it's sso fun to send them messages and stuff.

    on the flip side, HORRIBLE idea. the more people that know about the spots the more people will find us. DUHZ
  20. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I'll show you the best hiding place. This was from along time ago.


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