Pretty much what the title says, I need to learn how to forge. I know how to interlock, but not very well. I've tried the tutorials on the site but I need someone to actually show me Gamertag EliteMuffGoose post your gt or send me a fr
my GT is R0FLninja, and i know a few good forging strategies, do you know how to merge things, using upside down doors? send me a FR, i might be on tommorow. if you want to see how well i forge and want to see a few pics and decide, go here ONI Map Pack, catwalks was the only map i have posted on forge hub besides another map that i cant find on forge hub anymore.
You my sir click here. BL00d F1R3's videos on forging, very simple and easy to understand. Helped me a lot, check them out.
Check out this persons youtube page, and look at all the forging videos. Honestly, this made me become the forger i am today. They dont jsut tell you how to interlock, they show you tips, that make it really easy, and look awesome! YouTube - FlemProductions's Channel Just check some of those videos out, if your still having trouble, add my GT: Triple08 And i will show you all the techniques i know, and then maybe we can forge a map together?