
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Goatnuts, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    Epic map, I love the tight pathways to and from each territory. Also great interlocking on the 1st territory pick. I really like the mongoose switch very original. 5/5
  2. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Well goat, I got a game on this today. Sadly, it didn't go how I planned. We started out 3v3, then seconds into the game it was 3v2, then near the end it was 2v2... Sucks because I can't judge gameplay as well as if there was even teams. I'll try my best to give some unbiased thoughts about the map though.

    Overall, the map played well, that's pretty much all you need to know about the pros. Well, the aesthetics and all that were good, but that's besides the point. Some problems I found. Sniper had a good respawn time, but too much ammo. Me and HLG Viper spawn camped the hell out of the other team with the sniper when we reached their 2nd territory. By the time they were in our line of sight, their 3 seconds of invincibility had worn off and teamwork finished them off. When they finally killed us, there was still ammo in the sniper. You could also camp the middle territory with the sniper when you went on the upper ledge and picked off opposing team members coming through the opening.

    Next problem: This one's more my opinion than an actually problem. But the Battle Rifle spawn in the middle and the Brute Shot in the middle shake things up a bit. If you didn't have a sniper, the Battle Rifle was the next powerful thing on that upper ledge. It was easy to cap the middle territory simply by having a BR guy on the top ledge, and some guy hiding behind the signs on the bottom capturing the territory. The BR guy weakened people going towards the bottom guy, and the bottom guy finished them off. I would suggest removing the BR from that ledge and keeping it at both teams sides. Again, that's way more of an opinion than a problem. Actually, you could consider it a strategy...

    Anyway, the Brute Shot. I'll start off saying that I'm not sure why you actually needed a switch for it besides for "oohs, and ahhs" but I'm sure you could convince me otherwise. But I hated the placement of it nonetheless. I'm sorry to say that gunnergrunt is right. The Brute Shot kinda made things unbalanced. In conquest, the brute shot is usually used to fight off multiple people at once. You weaken multiple people at once, usually killing at least one, and your teammate behind you finishes them off, usually. It's basically the comeback tool if you will. How ever, giving it to whichever team reaches the middle first, allows that team to take it straight to the teams next territory and wipe their team out while they're trying to capture that territory, and buys you some time to hold them off from the middle territory. A Brute Shot on each side would've been much better,

    Well, that's my feedback, take it or leave it. I only wish I could've gotten a better game on it. Perhaps my feedback would be more meaningful then.
  3. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    I think I will take off the br, but as for the brute shot and the switch that will stay. Fiirst off I love switches so thats one reason why it wont go(got to forge what I like to do, just my style), but also it gives the player more interaction with the map, maybe ill go back and take a look at gameplay with the brute shot but no one in my many tests said anything about it and I had several different people play it probly over 100 different, but like I said not very likely to change.

    Btw thanks for the long feedback, its helpful.

    They hurt gameplay a lot, sure they were really cool but without them I could do a lot more with the map and the gameplay was better.
  4. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    This looks great! Those three inter-merged double boxes that lead down to the Goose switch aboslutely flabbergasted me! Oh and the Goose switch is effective yet nice and simple good work!
  5. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Well i'm not saying that the bruteshot and BR spawn are bad particularly. I was just suggesting that you try it with one on each side, that might be even better. I already played your map btw. Its pretty dang fun!
  6. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    That picture sold me something. I don't know if it was just that, but this looks amazing. I'm going to Que this for download, but too bad I can't play for a couple days. I'll try to get back with a full review.
  7. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    I seem to be noticing really good territories maps lately. Interlocking blows my mind, spawning is perfectly studied,... My god, forgehubs gonna have a hayday when Sandbox is released.
  8. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Well I can finally post on here now. This is terrible Goat. LOL,JK. No, Im not much into conquest, but ever since this contest has started, I have been playing alot of it. With that said, This is one of my favorite conquest maps here. Not only is the gameplay great, but the map itself actually looks great. the aesthetics are beautiful and it doesnt take away from the game. I seriously think that you have a good chance in the contest, I have seen a few of these other conquest maps, not mentioning which ones, but most of them dont stand up to this one, In my opinion. I only wish that this map was a little bigger in scale, but it isnt something that is a problem. Good job, I cant wait to see what happens with this.
  9. Craigien

    Craigien Ancient
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    This map looks very cool. I will have to download. Great job.
  10. Xytan

    Xytan Ancient
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    Great Job on the map.
    Great idea on the sniper-window panel part.
  11. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    hehe, how does the mongoose switch work?

    i know it blows up a couple of fusion coils, but do the fusion coils blow up like, a grav lift that never respawns, and the run time minimum is half of the total grav lifts on the map, so the run time minimum is 1, and that causes the grav lift next to the brute shot to spawn and fly over the wall?

    thats how i think it works, but could you please answer this goatnuts, you dont have to, and if not, ill try and figure it out on my own.
  12. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Well the mongoose when flipped causes the fusion coils to blow up, these are on a min max so they then spawn on top of a pallet in the back hallway that acitvates a wire that blows up the grav lift. That grav lift is on a min/max so it spawns the other one when it is blown up. I had to have the grav lift in the back hallway because otherwise it would affect you through the grate.
  13. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    I love how the forging on this map is more about gameplay rather that aesthetics. That sadly seems to be a rare thing here. The map has just the right amount of cover on it, i never felt claustrophobic at all. Also the atrium style middle room is epic. The upper ring is a great place to sit and kill kids in the capture rooms next to it. The switch is amazing and i think its awesome that you actually build it into the grate. The brute shot is also the perfect power weapon for a map of this type. I feel that it works great at clearing out capture points. All in all i loved watching you make your map for the short time i was in there with you and i was happy to help with a few designs even though they didnt make it it (drop down window). If you ask me, this shouldve won the contest because it actually was a relatively unique and new design compared to gunnergrunts lame and generic map.

    Keep forging!

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