Your pictures don't work, but I know what your talking about. The golfclub is awesome. I wonder if it shows the gravity field like the grav hammer.
Hmmm... i'd put this in the dib's thread if you haven't already. Its pretty elaborate for a suggestion, so no one "Steals" your idea it might be good to call dibs. lol. not sure if that would help much tho...
With an empty map, its going to be pretty obvious to find. That being said, I believe its going to take some sort of action to reveal the hidden skull, like the skull that unlocked the Katana chest piece.
Maybe the skull will be on the ground floor, near one of the obelisk/tower things, so you need to find a way to get around the beams 0_o
Oh God, so many memoirs flashed into my head from that one word, Hex. I remember my friend searching all night long how to get IWHBYD, and we finally prevailed. It was all in good fun though. But hopefully this time they encoded it deeply, or covered it with distraction Hex, or some programming function. I don't want this to be ruined to Achievement hunters, my intentions are to have fun looking for it. Like a scavenger hunt. Isn't it on all three maps, or only subjected to Sandbox?
Throw a teleporter, then go through it and throw another one until you reach it? An interesting idea, but I believe the skulls may only appear outside of Forge.
It might be possible in a custom game then? set up the map before hand in forge, then go to a custom game and keep trying to get it. But I think the skull on this map has something to do with the 18 holes for golf. I think it does anyways, but it sounds too easy. I doubt bungie would give us a skull and not make it a challenge to get.
Like I'm making a layout for my map. A layout plans where the stuff goes, and sights and other stuff.
I've already got 12 designed and 9 of them have new standard gametypes like Conquest/In the Shadows/Squads type deal... 1 is really old, one is perfect for this map and can be done much better on here, and one is just cuz... I should make an AZN FTW Sandbox pack... lol... I have a bunch of them fully ready to playtest after being put together... I analyzed the map and know what I'm working with...
Its not a full sketchup, because well.. As you know we don't have anything yet for that, but its a layout for the sights and stuff. Actually looks pretty good too!
See the biggest thing is most people are just making cool looking maps or maps to add to the arsenal of maps for that gametype... to get noticed you gotta be unique...