This website,, helps feed people everyday. What they do is you go on, and you answer questions, and not even poll questions in that fact, they are vocab questions! You can also change the subject. They have banners at the bottom of the site. Well everytime you load the page that sponsor buys ten grains of rice for people that can't afford food. It only counts when you answer the question right though. It's totally safe, free, and it's a good cause. I just donated over 2,000 grains of rice to people, and it took me just under and hour. So try it out! And mods, does this count as advertising? It is for a good cause.
I remember this site. Very good cause. To all wondering, this is NOT just advertising some website, it benefits people around the world. Kthnx.
I just tried it and donated 4030 grains of rice in not that long. Its a great cause and you can do its so fast, if you change the subject to multiplication and just do the all the questions in no time at all.
So...i was in study hall and went to the computer lab to donate some rice last year. How much did i donate or win or give?...over 500,000 grains, but that's actually not that much lol maybe it will help a family for a few days considering how large their family is.
Me and my friends go on this website at school whenever we just have free time next to a computer. It's a good cause, and all the good websites are blocked at school. I've donated tens of thousands grains of rice. Actually helps with Spanish, lol.
I like this site, I'm not criticizing it. But I have to raise some questions. Why don't they just give the money / food without the trivia game? One answer is that they get advertising revenue from people being on their site. Is that what's going on here?
My teacher explained it to us, but I can't really remember what she said, although that sounds right. Hold on, I think I can find out... EDIT: Here we go. Looked at the FAQ
Yeah, makes sense really. The banner's generate the rice, not the people. Our school has a competition between grades. Sixth grade always wins, but they are the only kids that actually try or have a teacher that pushes it. They donate about 5-600,000 a year. That means we made a 10000th of last years donations! Yay! Even though I wasn't in sixth grade. I'm not even sure there is a prize, but we still compete.
That is actually a cool little "trick" they have (about the sponsor + page reload = money for rice). I only donated 100 grains because I got bored. My mom is a leadership teacher, though, and I'm going to tell her about this for some ideas.
Theoretically, couldn't you just continuously click the refresh button and, while it may not display it on the website, still earn money for the rice? Or does it not work that way?
They do not force the advertising companies to pay them if someone gets an answer right. For every "hit" an advertisement gets, it pays the host website. So, theoretically, if each time the page was refreshed it counted as a hit, then you could sit there pressing refresh and get the same result as answering questions.
This is also a good cause and it helps the world the Hunger site
I've been doing this consistently for somewhat a year now, and I think I've probably donate 1,000,000+ grains. Good site. Good cause.
I used to do this all the time in my Computer Apps 1 class last year. We had mini competitions in the class, it was fun. Haven't been on it in a while. Should though.
This site has been proven to be bullshit, no rice is ever donated from this site, why do you think that its a .com and not a .org? my bad, this was the truth before, when it was just a site with a white background, but I guess their partnership with the UN food program means its real
What a horrible website! Can't they just donate rice to people instead of making people have to questions first? How would you feel if your life depended on someone answering questions right? what a bunch of a jackasses. "Yeah sorry, I know your starving, but I can't give you this rice because someone just got that last question wrong."