Cold Storage As a Forge Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by redearth, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Honestly it's not that bad. I had a fun time making my map which I'm about to release. It has real potential with all the doors being able to be closed off, the teleporters you can jump on, and the geometery itself. I had fun forging on it. I feel like it's what forging on guardian or epitaph would be if we had immovable objects like in CS. What are your views?

    Personal Map:

    Vote on your favorite picture. It will become the official filter of the map.









    #1 redearth, Feb 18, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2009
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah I have tried to forge on it but never came out with anything worthwhile. It does have really good geometry and some people could make something really amazing on it. Message me when you get your map released. Can't wait.
  3. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I guess it could be fun, but a true competitive map would be hard to do. It is already enclosed enough. It does have interesting default paths, though. I haven't really tried. Your map might convince me.
  4. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    I agree; while it may be challenging to forge on this map, it does come with a lot, and the geometry of the map is very cool and can be good for forging. The fact that it has immovable objects just makes it that much better. I can't wait to try out your map though, I want to see the full potential of Cold Storage lol.
  5. NeroGato

    NeroGato Ancient
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    That middle room is especially ripe for forging. You could do some interesting stuff with that dividing wall.
  6. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Have you read AZN FTW Anti-Foundry? It explains in full-depth this dilemna, but more importantly every map. Link here.

    Each map is obviously unique, and different aside from the rest. Each maps geometry differs from the rest. While we look at Foundry as the end all and be all of forge, we look at it for 3 main reasons. One being the free maneuverability. Two being surplus items in building ones own geometry. And three being creativity. But what people are oblivious to, are that they forget the first two sentences I presented you with.

    Every single Halo 3 map is like a fingerprint. Not one area on that map is congruent to a location on another map. With that, Maps aside from Foundry provide you with pre-made geometry. Something that would take items, and space to make in Foundry. Some to large, to minsucle, to complex to even fit in Foundry.

    Now you're probably wondering what this has to do with Cold Storage, well here it is.

    We're already aware that maps bring something new to the table. With Cold Storage it is mostly a claustropohbic feel. A huge dissappoint to forgers is the lack of scenery possible for Cold Storage. Which reprimands me previous statement the second reason we like Foundry. But with Cold Storage, many maps are awaiting to be spawned, yet no one wants to take the time to cosnider them. Take the camoflauge room for example. The ceiling has a large tunnel, possible to stand in. Mini-game upon Mini-game could utilize that tunnel. And then take the middle area. It would be an easy endeavor to block one area off from the rest.

    Now with the scenery, Cold Storage obviously brings its innovation into play. The objects all accompany the forerunner-esque, and look natural to the residing map. Now think of how simple one could represent a map, that is presentable enough to persuade people into looking like the original map. The possibilites are endless. Take SoLo92's map Dreamcicle. A great rendition of using Cold Storage to it full extent. His added geometry fades in making it look like the foreground map.

    I can't wait for your upcoming map, and notify me if you need any assistance on it.
  7. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I'm working on an assault map on cold storage called Main frame it is pretty good so far
  8. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    Cold storage can be annoying at times though. In my breach map I ran out of items pretty fast as there aren't much of each item to use. Other than that, it's a pretty fun map to forge on except when you geomerge at certain points it gets laggy to death.
  9. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Thats its greatest positive. I think if all the Pre DLC maps had immovable objects, and doors to merge with, you would only see a small fraction of the foundry maps you see today. You just can't get the kind of results from Foundry as you can from a man that is more than a big box. For anything other than strictly competitive maps, I'll take non-foundry maps over foundry any day.
  10. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Alright here's an update on the map, I'll post a few pics of the map later and you guys can tell me which filter set you like most. I want a filter set, and I actually have one that makes it play better. By reducing your vision it increases the size of the map. With no filters 4 players doesn't work, it is too cramped. With filters 6 works great! I'll have to keep that in mind for future projects on Cold Storage. Specifically Colorblind, Juicy, and Gloomy. Adds a luminescent glow.
  11. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Cold Storage maps = awesome. I'm definitely going to be checking this thread often for updates. I think Cold Storage has a lot of potential.
  12. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    My favorite is number 9, what do you guys think?









  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Now I like AZN and all, and his guides are good. But they're not the goddamn Bible, why does everyone treat him like the Second Coming? (The first obviously being Titmar)
  14. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    I dont think its really worth the time to forge on cold storage, not much you can really do to change the map or the gameplay in my opinion.
  15. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    The map is only made for screenshots(in my opinion.)But it is a very good infection if you use filters like juicy and pen and ink but cold storage isnt that all great for forge.Sorry.
  16. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Now that's said without thinking about it too hard. Plenty a map have been made where it could be difficult to do elsewhere. It wasn't designed for forge, but then again, why not forge on it? Because it wasn't designed for forge? Rat's nest, blackout, avalanche, pit, last resort, standoff, highground, vallhalla, just to name a few. They weren't designed for forge. Yet people prevailed. We as forgers are stuck in one thought. We must think outside the double box. How do you think people made pre-dlc maps? They had no immovable objects other than teleporters and weapon holders. Many a great minigame, many a great competitive style, many a great infection were made there. I recently saw something that made me more happy than anything else. Someone made a conquest map on Guardian. Undoubtly the least symmetrical map, and someone made it into a map used for the most symmetrical game there is. And it worked great! Why not think this was for cold storage? Just because it wasn't forge intended does not mean it is not forge worthy. We even have a featured epitaph map. Seriously, I don't even get how they made that! Well, I guess I do. They thought outside. It's that thinking that runs the world, and that thinking that gets featured. Create something new. I challenge you, take and build a map on cold storage, and you'll see it's not that hard. It's actually preparing me. My biggest challenge I will ever tackle. I will take epitaph, and make it the most competitive map in history. Mark my words, foundry, sandbox, blackout, and avalanche are great, but would you prefer the water or the lemonade?
  17. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    It's really hard to tell from the pics, but I think I like #2.

    PLEASE don't do anything that is completely black and white, or the one that is rust colored (don't know the name).
  18. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I won't I wasn't planning to do sepia, but it wouldn't be the first time people would have prefered what I did not. So I put it up as an option Two is one of the higher rated on my list of what I want too.

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