Citadel Created By Fire Phoenix117 Idea From Joeizal This map is a huge structure of a castle. it works for some games. I did alot of test most poeple love the infection version and Territory version. This map has a weird symmetrical basis to it. Overall what you must do on this map is to take down the zombies before they overun the castle. The territory version has the same layout also, warriors are attacking so defend the citadel with honor and take your enemy down. Supported Gametypes: Infection(Tested) Territories(tested) One Flag(not Test) Thanks to all that tested =P Recommended Players: 6-14 players Weapons: AR BR SR Smg Shotgun Rocket launcher Needler Spiker Sentinal Beam plasma pistol Beam Rifle magnum plasma rifle mauler Brute shot Equipement: Deployable cover Trip mine Flare Power Drainer Regenerator Bubble Shield Time For Pics... ARE YOU PREPARE? Overview of the left Overiew of the right Alpha Base Bravo Base Outside Castle Right side left side This side has a secret entrance the pallet it goes to the prison. the other secret way is here it leads inside wall. Citadel prison Barracks right nere bravo base The tower on the right side(if you want to get up there you must jump right next to the A sign there's a grav lift inside the wall) Overview of the wall The doors spawn in 90 secs in case of camping. Inside of citadel Action pics... Infection version Some how bad things always happen to me =( Territories version Yea you think your life is bad Info on infection game variant Zombie speed 125-150% 150 damage resistance Gravity 100% (both human and zombies) Humans speed 100% objective: is two hold out as long as you can. "Teamwork is needed" Dont let zombies breach Castle 3 Rounds Info on territories game varinat: 15 secs to capture 125 speed starting weapons swords duals on map normal shields 8 territories time limit: 4:00 3 rounds Download map Here Halo 3 File Details Download Game Variants Breach Halo 3 File Details Capture Halo 3 File Details Please comment and rate >=)
You did a nice job with the "castle" feel. To bad you can't give the outside team a battering ram. Here's an idea for your jail. You could start spawn the attackers outside, but have the normal spawns inside the jail. This way, when the attackers are killed (let's say they are "disabled") they spawn inside the jail as if they were taken there. Then you could have jail breaks.
Hey,this map looks pretty kool,but next time,don't post in so many different colors,it makes your post not look as professional and serious as it should. And try to merge some of the objects into the ground so that when a grenade hits it,it doesn't go flying around
it looks really good and clean for an infection map. i would also suggest trying to make some kind of ctf version, it looks like it could be used for that too, with minor tweaks.
very nice map, clean, but needs more scenery for the outside part. also some 'timed' parts to the map would add to it, and i would suggest a quicker way to get to the tower besides the doors. not sure how, perhaps a grav lift or man cannon. otherwise, a slightly edited version of this could make a great one flag/ multi flag game. 4/5
as i said in the post the map can be played for one flag,territories, and infection. one flag hasnt been tested but try it out if you wish and the the tower has grav lifts in side it so you jump right next to the wall and you go up. Note there are timed parts on the map the doors at the middle base spawn in 90 secs not the mention the crates outside the wall spawn 60 secs u should read the info under the pics.
the map looks very nice. i think the infection maps are getting a lot more strategic. very nice interlocking.
I like the interlock, the gameplay seems to flow correctly, and the map is evenly smoothed out by the looks of it. I give it a 5/5, keep up the great forging and I hope to see more!
With out a doubt this is one of the most well forged infection maps I have ever seen. I love your sturctures specially the one in the screenshot labeled "Citedel". I am tired of old infections that look terrible and play not much better and this could change how I view infection. Am I Psychic because I can see this in my harddrive Territories looks fun too. If my may suggest, I think that KOTH would play competitively. I suggest you run some test and see if it works
looks nice as of interlocking and geo-merging, or at least as far as I can tell from the screenshots. Most castle maps have high pillars all around, but I guess thats what makes this one unique. Like the guy above me said, try it out with some other gametypes, youll find some thatll fit pefectly.
Wow, this looks very good. I like how it looks like a castle, and the overall, it feels very good. I like how the anti-camping feature with the citadel. Also, Territories would be fun, too.
Very nice map, most likely the best fortress ive seen, i have not been able to play the gametype yet, ill have to wait until this weekend when more friends are on.
I see some really good ideas here for an MLG map, lol As for the map.... amazing map. Probably one of the best infection maps I've ever seen. 5/5