The sequel to the awesome but short video, this one is roughly 10 minutes long and epic!
screw forgegasms i just had a full blown out machinimagasm. that was the most epic thing i have ever seen in my life. mikey i love you for posting that here.
That was great! :haha: I really liked how high ground looked all gloomy and was raining. That made that level look awesome! And the music in that was awesome! I want to know what the song was at the end. I couldn't figure it out. And if that was the second one, I would like to see the first one! :happy:
Who'd of thought that Halo and Mario would go so well together in a machinima. That was probably one of the best machinima videos Ive seen in a while. Thank you very much for posting this.
OhmygoshitsGeneticSpartan. I wondered whta had happened to him, I talked to him some back in the Halo 2 days. Now we have to get Jamie98s to start machinimating again.
Oh god, damn you. I posted a link to this in the shoutbox and I get no credit =P Pfft, who needs it. Anyway, the video is amazing. I love how the actions between 2D and 3D fitted in together so well and eeven the setting of the video. Truely fantastic effects and timing.