thnx to ur great imput i finally made the needed fixes to this map to make it all the more fun and balanced the pictures show areas that have been fixed download here [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] one of the 5 inner upper level hallways more swat fun [img width=800 height=600][/img] attackers flanking route [img width=800 height=600][/img] close quarters area [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img]
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 No double posting. Also, a lot of things look crooked on the map; walls, floors, etc...
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 thats a funny wakko pick lol did he really point like that . crooked huh er not really download and u'll see i fixed them
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 Then maybe update the screenshots? People will see the tons of crooked walls in your pictures and think that the map is very sloppy and not bother downloading.
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 dont listen to wakko hes not really a great critic and its not sloppy n its a great map anyways so yeah ignore im hes probably a little kid well anyways nice map
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 Yup, you got it right. I'm a little 4-year-old who hates everyone on the internet. I'm sorry, I guess I thought I was trying to help out grunt so that more people would download and play his map. [/sarcasm] Zero maybe you should grow up and stop seeing criticizm as "being a little kid". And I don't think I've criticed that many maps so you can't label me as "not really a good critic".
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 You might want to include a longer description, to take out some of those unnecessary screen-shots, like the close up of the double window. Possibly, you could spell input correctly. The walls look practically broken, and you seem to be spamming this thread, bumping it with out having any actual "imput," as you would say. I mean there is a spell-checker, turned on by default, use it perhaps? Sorry if I'm being overly abusive, but in this case that's all I really feel I can do. You might want to change the links to named links: Code: [url=]Juassic Park v2[/url] It turns out like this: Jurassic Park v2 Some tough love for ya, baby. P.S. The first word in a sentence is capitalized. P.P.S. Wow, I am an asshole, lulz.
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 looks cool, but a better description might aid those of us who haven't seen the original.
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 this map has two large areas that are connected plus a slightly smaller area which connectecs to a bunch of flanking rout for the attackers a crows nest that looks over the attackers area and a vantage point from a flanking route that looks over the defenders area . plus a middle section. a roof access which is a sign pointing up which leads to a flame thrower. the crows nest is a fence wall floored walkway with window panels above reds flanking route but u must go through a sideways shield door at the far side to get into reds base or go around and down a walkway going through the shield door maybe putting you in harms ways.
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 This should have been in the original post, not added later to bump your own thread. There's a 'modify' button you can use to edit your original post. Double-posting and constantly bumping your thread to the top with 'updates' is irritating and keeps people like me from downloading it. If it's a good map, it will sell itself and people will come back to reply on how good it is. And to whatever knucklehead that said Wakko isn't a 'great critic', get a clue.
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 oh kay buddy i sent u request and u denied hey im just trying to get tips from the pros anyways do u like the upgrade to the map
Re: jurassic park ver.2.0 Lets see..........Slooppey..........Pics are bad because they are too zoomed in