omg that is very very strange, but i wish you made it so you also made a ghost out of weps. that would be funny too
The picture is funny and I like how it is a real ghost. The actual picture isn't all that great tho. I've seen much better weapon drawings but it is good anyway.
Lol he's chasing Pinky. Maybe you should have made Pacman filled in with custom power ups though. Final Score: 4/5
This is great! The pac man drawn by guns is nice and the ghost =] =] Very clever and original! And the dots are a nice touch .. Great job!
made me lol, and I like the originality maybe try to fill up pacman with custom powerups or sometin yellow, but overall about a 4/5 nice pic.
Very creative and original.I didnt know what to expect, was thinking maybe another photoshop pic.This is much better.The fact that its a real ghost is awesome.
Ghost, I get it. Honestly there are too many of these jokes, but no one seems to complain so I guess I'll just go with it. Looks nice too.
Wow, very original idea. At first I thought it was going to be the "yellow spartan chases pink spartan" type of deal. I'm very glad it's not. This is very cool but do you have a link?