Well *Rubs eyes* I know that the "central" line in the main forging area of Foundry is to throw you off. For too long have I trusted that central line, and my maps were uneven. I had to waste time, budget, and supplies blocking off the gaping hole in the back of base B, that was supposed to be covered by the geography. So, where is the center of Foundry? I've ran a few tests to find out. - I put double boxes neatly across the map, both ways. It takes a total of 6 1/2 (6 double boxes and one single box) to go the length and 5 1/2 (5 double boxes and one single box) along the "Central line". Doing the algebra in my head, as how smart and good looking I am, I calculated that the length was 3 1/4 double boxes and 2 1/4 for the central line. Mathmatics never fails, right? Out of perspective, marking the center with a door, one size was MUCH larger than the other. I decided to run to the center timing myself, and strangly enough, one took longer than the other. Now I did this over and over again, and had the same outcome. Does Foundry have a center? Or is it one of lifes greatest mysteries? If you want to, test it for yourself and bring back the results. I probally am wrong, but I need someone to correct me.
11 single boxes by 13 single boxes. Foundry's center of that space is the 6th single by the 7th single box, on top of 1.5 boxes.
Wow, how accurate lol... If I'm correct, one end of Foundry is a bit longer than the other. You can check it on the heatmaps if you want.
Seven mysteries, where are the other 6? Although this thread is confusing, it is uterly useless... lol
I'm at work and can't do this right now, but you can line up walls from each corner, to the opposite corner and there they intersect will be the center. this would be more accurate than finding it by using a coordinate method from the sides. I don't think this is useless at all, Maxwell. It would be very helpful to have this if you are laying out a map on paper and want to have things spaced correctly. I could have used this numerous times so my center structure would be truly in the center, instead of slightly to one side or the other.
One sec...i figured it may not be a divider but...is it a straight line? The map im making's evenness doesnt depend on the rest of the map(its enclosed) but itll mess it up a good deal if the middle line isnt straight. Sorry but i figure your taking a questionably detailed look at foudry so you might know
You can just use the debug mode to figure out where the center is. It will give you a numerical representation of where you are in the the 3-D space, allowing you to calculate the "middle" of the map going side ways, long ways, short ways, down ways (Willy Wonka reference, lol)... --dc
I know, seriously. We would have been happier with a plain old flat surface, but then they play with our minds by making everything all weird and uneven. --dc
You can only access it from a local or network game (read: not while on xbox live [read: must be done solo]). This is also how people are able to get WAY OUTSIDE the maps in theater mode (Standoff, The Pit, Foundry, etc.) using the other debug mode Pan-Cam. --dc
If you're a perfectionist like GameKilla and myself, you will notice. A map I just finished suffers from this, but from the perspective of all those who played on they never notice. I had debated remaking the interlocked monster of a map, but when I saw that it didn't affect gameplay I decided not to. However, in the back of my mind, I will always know that the symmetry is off by just a little bit. This could definitely ruin your map if the circumstances are right, like with GameKilla. To each his own, I guess. --dc
But it is oh so important. Also yes, it screws me up bad, relying on that center line. Also also I'm sure alot of people are like "Lmao, what a nub, he has 5 posts". I have nothing to respond to that... seriously. Well, maybe one or two things... Who knows, I could be the best person to get to know and a person who has around 1million posts may be the worst spammer. I decide to make thoughtful posts Also also also I'm deciding what my other 6 wonders are, to answer your question up there ;D
I'm sure you will find them soon enough. Bungie made Forge difficult to use on purpose, me thinks... lol jk. --dc