Please know that some i have made for freinds or requestee's so don't call me a ripper. Oh and CnC the one in my sig please. (this gears sig bothers me....) and last but not least a link to my LP
Most of them are sort of bland and boring, but I like how they look. It just seems like there could and should be more going on. And yes, the Gears one looks strange, almost like it's stretched.
i'll probably add more soon. but i agree that there should be more going on i just can't do it in GIMP that well.
...... thought you didnt rip anything... you jerk Dont get caught with your pants down again, if your gonna **** in people's gardens...
right, cuz his user name is ajjit, and he changed a few things cuz he wants people to think he ripped it...
It's too bad you're terrible. Oh wait, it's not. +mw for life! (Anyways, your sigs are stretched, lacking depth, lacking the 'wow factor', low quality, too small, etc.) Take this one for instance. The bottom of her bandana goes over the edge by a teensy bit, but it's just enough to ruin the atmosphere that you tried to create in the signature. The wireframe on the left side goes over her face and bandana, while on the right side it goes behind. Makes no sense? Nope, none. The text is barely visible, which I am usually okay with, except yours is so not visible that it's almost invisible. Such a shame. And that random flame brush on the bottom right? I mean, what's the point of that? All it does is throw off the balance and flow that you were trying to achieve. In my opinion, if you aren't good at graphics, you shouldn't be leading a graphics community. People come to communities to learn, so there's no point in them joining a community run by someone who is probably worse than them. I'm not trying to be an asshole to you or anything, so don't take this personally. I'm just trying to give you some advice. The truth hurts.
I will say this.........they are good starts. You need to just fully understand compostion, balance, depth and perception. Even understanding contrast is a good thing to know when creating sigs or any type of graphic design. I just took a bunch of college courses about this stuff, but I knew about it YEARS ago, so to me, they were only "refresher" courses.