Way too many problems....

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Warlord Alpha, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Im not here to complain or be a baby, but a map maker's life really can be tough sometimes. I made a map that has been plauged with problems and misfortune - listen to this:

    First, i had this idea and i was like "omg epic win" so i tested it to see if it would work. It seemed like it did. So i knew i would need the money so i used a glitch canvas. Unfortunately, i dont use the canvas too much so i had to restart TWICE because i put all of one object then deleted one or two and i could never put those back. So i had to start a good section of the map over not once but twice, then i realised my idea wouldn't work due to the size limitations of foundry, so now im making this map that is absolutely nothing like i imagined it and then i come upon the problem that pretty much everything in my map could be broken/ruined by grenade jumps, so i had to raise about half the map an extra block higher. So i thought that was fine, and then i realised that clever jumps could STILL break the map so i had to place an EXTRA layer on one part. Then i reaised i wouldnt have enough boxes to raise the other part of the map, so i covered it with walls and used corner walls to make it so you cant get on top of that area. You still can get over it, but its so hard to do that youll either be dead by the time you get in position and going up there will achieve nothing anyways as all tere is is a dumpster so you can get out if you somehow get in there.

    SO NOW i have to interlock all that, which is fine, but then due to the interlocking i realised it wasnt an even 5 single walls across like i planned, so i had to basically redo a large part of it to fill the gap, which left me with no walls of any kind left. THEN as i am about to start placing spawns i run out of items! I luckily had made a big "WARLORD" in the floor outside the map of weapons and i deleted that aswell as the original glitch items. So i place my spawns and now, today, i start placing weapons and guess what? The item limit strikes again!

    Luckily, i remembered a thread Gravedigger 5454 made a while back about how to beat the item limit, so i did that and i have my weapons and like 3 pieces of equipment and 2 grenades. Unfortunately for me, the trick seems to have stopped working, and i only need to place like 5 more items!

    I never knew a map could put up so much of a fight! Its like it DOESNT want to be made. Well, if any good came out of it, i now know all the things NOT to do to with a glitch canvas and map planning just became a priority! Oh, and, once more, the item limit is fricken retarded.


    Here is the map i am refferring to - The Erratic
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Lol, sucks. My current map is doing the exact same thing. I'm using the budget glitch, and Foundry's too small, and the walls aren't even containable yet.
  3. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    hey look.. a wall of text, yeah but thats really sucks man.
  4. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Hello I'm Forge Have We Met Before?....

    But yeah all the limits suck,
    Imo they only need item limits OR the budget to limit creations not both...

    By the way since youv been stretchng the map you may want to test it out with other people for a good bit before continuing because theres a hidden limit too.
    Map with too much in them will lag like crazy so youll have to make sure yours doesnt before posting it
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I've had pretty much all of those problems before, but not all in one map.

    It sounds like you could benefit from a little more planning. If I know I'm going to run up against the item limit or something, I'll place all the weapons and grenades that I want to put in the map into a corner so that they are at least on the map. I'll do the same with spawn points and goal objects. At least that way, you know your map will work once you have all the geometry done.
  6. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Yeah, you are probably right. At least i even used the glitch! Some people still dont use the glitch till its too late.


    Yeah, ive been showing it to a friend alot and it hasnt lagged at all really. Well, not any more than any other map. I really only broke the item limit by like 25 items or so, but i have no idea how bad i broke the budget. My guess would probably be by like $150 or so.

    ...Especially on a map that was meant to be a BLANK CANVAS.
  7. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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    It seems like whenever I have an idea for a map, it seems to a perfect map. Then when I actually Forge it, it turns to be a complete mess. Sigh... the joys of forging :squirrel_sad:
  8. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Yeah, lolz. I think i have only ever made one map where everything turned out exactly as i had hoped.
  9. preplook1

    preplook1 Ancient
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    just today i was interlocking a bunch of stuff, and i zoned out and ended the game instead of starting new round... i didnt save... but i finish later so it was cool
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    probobly one of my worst times with this is when me and lone were working on Epic Map 1 (still in work, actually...), and at the beginning i decided not to use the budget glitch because i figured we wouldnt need it. the map is basically 2 large bases with several ways between them...and when we finished one base we hit the budget limit, then i deleted half the base (it was all interlocked and stuff), did the budget glitch with the money we had left, then went back and remade all the stuff i had delted, only to hit the item glitch halfway into the second base then when we got past THAT, i placed spawns etc, and at the last possible time realized that we didnt have enough weapons to balance it out, we had kinda random weapons we could use, like 8 snipers and 2 flamethrowers and 8 shotguns and 2 BRs) so we have to restart the whole thing, but i think when this kinda stuff happens it really does help your map for the better, as annoying as it is
  11. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Yeah. If you want proof, just ask SykoOne. Somehow, a map he had been working on had been deleted from his library, so he had to restart it. However though, it came out sooooo much better this time around its amazing.

    Although really, im still upset about the whole buget and item limit thing. Its extremely annoying.
  12. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    yeah i had to help syko with budget glitch on that map.
  13. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Yeah, then he learned how on attempt #2. I just need to get him to post that map now.
  14. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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    I think that the only good maps I make are the unplanned ones.
  15. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Same with myself.
  16. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Link to thread on how to break the item number maximum please?

    And you are talking about the OVERALL item number limit correct? Not the item limit for any item (like 16 max crates)

    I think its something like 256 items or something. Its gotta be a something like that. I will test it and post it later unless someone already knows???

  17. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Here it is.

    Yeah, overall item limit, which is 100 reguardless of the map.
  18. icedemon

    icedemon Ancient
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    yea, today i just made a map where everything went my way, and then i had a little budget left over so i decided to tweak it a little and it is ****ing bootyful!!! oh god i cant wait to post it. hehehehehehehe, i pwn u all.
  19. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Lol. If only more of my maps went like that.

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