Manifest Created By: chrstphrbrnnn & xX5w33ny70ddXx Recommended Players: 10-14 Zombie games have been around for a long time. There have been countless maps made specifically for the gametype. Many have reinvented the infection variant, making it less like traditional zombies and more its own original game. Manifest, however, takes the original zombie concept and embraces it. The point of this game is not just to survive but also to survive as a team for the entirety of the round. If you are the last man standing it will be detrimental to your score, so it is wise to always travel as a group. The zombies have complete access, through teleporters, to the relatively linear journey of the humans. The humans are very powerful and can pick up a selection of weapons that progressively gets better the further they travel. The zombies are also quite strong, but are vulnerable to a well placed headshot. Teamwork is important for the zombies because an assassination is always a kill. The map gives a feeling of an actual urban town that has been overrun with zombies. The inclusion of back alleyways, rundown boarded up shops and a barricade made out of various objects truly gives the player the feel of what a real zombie attack could possibly be like. The balanced gameplay and realistic layout makes this game a must have for casual gametype fans. Download Map Download Gametype View Original Forge Hub thread for More Information
Dang, it's about time. I don't think I've ever seen infection featured here, but this sure deserves it. Can't say much more than I did in the original thread.
Congrats guys! I didnt know if it'd make the front page because of how rule based it is, but it is definately the coolest Infection creation to date. You guys deserve it.
Omgz i just tootalee got 1st. Roflz EDIT: ****. Btw, grammar error at last sentence of first paragraph. Lulz : D
If you havent been the grindnaut, then youve nevervtruly lived. This is the 2nd infection featured map, btw
Well, I can safely say that this is the most incredible, balanced, satisfying infection map ever. Yet it contains all the excitement and drama that hardcore infectioners are used to. A great example of what an overused gametype and two brilliant forge minds can create with careful planning and extraordinary forging. Since the first time I loaded this up three or four weeks ago I knew this would get featured. I got a little scared when a couple weeks have passed and no news yet, but deep down in my heart I knew it was feature worthy.
what iZumi said, it has been a while since an infection map has been featured and its even been a week since last featured map, pretty long for my standards. Anyways, i remember playing this and i made a map before i knew any skillz and went to FH that was supposed to use the vehicles in a non drivable failed epically. But not only is the asthetics speactacular, but the gameplay is exceptionally amazingly awesome, even with all the rules in it. i knew this would get featured since i played on it for the first time. you also did a good job at making the buildings seem "deastroyed" and what not without making it seem sloppy as in ugly. great job once again, you deserve it!
I love this map, though for some reason it seems to be getting easier to live to the end. Maybe it's just my parties. : ( Always been featurific! I've never gotten a chance to be the super zombie though. : ( #2.
I played a zombie game that required team work last week. It was one of the best games i have ever played. I really like how this sounds. There are a ton of completely original ideas here. im gonna give this a try.
Yes, the best Infection map of all time has released! Great job chrstphrbrnnn & xX5w33ny70ddXx! You guys sure did one helluva job! The gameplay plays out like no other Infection map. The map feels like you are a survivor of a real, like, zombie thing. My favorite part has to be the starting alley because of how creepy it is walking down it. I actually have started looking up at the rooftops and running through the alley full speed because I'm so afraid of a zombie dropping down and assassinating me. I actually can't wait for the sequel! Lulz! Congratulations and might I add that the Grindnaut was an excellent addition to an excellent map! When that thing drops from the rooftop shooting me with a Machine Gun Turret, I instantly know I'm dead.
yes i will agree very nice map. the infection maps have been getting a lot better in general. yours gives people an idea of what to shoot for. i like how you spent time in creating a standout map that separates "hey lets play on this one map i got" to "hey lets play on manifest, thats a sweet zombies map" awesome job
Thats the thing about infection. Everyone claims to have an amazing map. But the maps always turn out almost exactly the same. I really hope this makes people think about making an infection that isnt entirely one sided, or at least one that takes some skill.
I am glad the journos put the Not my style option up in the polls. Congrats on the Feature and everything guys. But infection, just is'nt my style
I was just waiting for this to get featured. As soon as the "teaser" was posted, I knew it would be a feature. What I wish is that I can play a decent game on this map without having a bunch of douchebags trying to get out of the map. Maybe someone could invite me to A custom game to play this. 5/5 bravo. -Frozen Banshee-
Mods don't do the write ups/features... =\ Come on, give us journo's the credit for what we do... =\ btw winly feature is win. =D
I'm glad that this got featured (finally). This is by far one of the best maps I've ever played. Everytime I play this I have fun because both sides are balanced and it's fun to play as both. This is gonna stay on my hard drive for a while.
Yeah I didn't think this was remotely enjoyable in anyway at all and to me that's what playing Halo is about Having fun. Congratz anywayz!!!!111
It may not be your style of map (I do not know what kinds of maps you like. From what I see, you do not like any,) but that doesn't mean it can't be a fun game. Even if you still disagree and say it is not fun, you have to acknowledge the creativity that went into this project. The whole of idea of a linear path that is supposed to (and accomplishes) feel like a game itself. If you still do not like it, look at the other zombie games. Compare. 999 time out of 1000, Manifest wins. Zombie games suck, period. This one, however, is the exception. It promotes balanced game play and discourages cheap tactics. Congratulations
Congrats on it getting featured but i don't feel that it's a very good game. The map is made well but i find it got boring after a few game due to humans being impossible to kill and overall repeatedness, Congrats anyways though