Legendary DLC Avalanche: WindChill V5

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by darkhelmet98765, Feb 17, 2009.


WindChill v5

  1. Crap

    1 vote(s)
  2. Poor might as well be crap.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Average might as well be crap

    3 vote(s)
  4. Good

    3 vote(s)
  5. Great

    0 vote(s)
  1. darkhelmet98765

    darkhelmet98765 Ancient
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    Download WindChill V5


    copy from bungie post:

    This map is version 5 sencond version submitted to forgehub, the first got didnt receive much attention. But this time I assure you that this map is worth the download for these reasons.
    First off its Avalanche!!!! not a foundry map of boxes and parcels. A good forge variant is hard to come by because of the wavy ground(lack of imagination for most) and tends to be "newbed out" with too many weapons/vehicles/swords lol. Since Wind Chill is separated from 2 portions of Avalanche, all the double boxes are used to keep you in and the cracks are laced with teleporters that just turn you around, rule of thumb stay in the map. Wind Chill uses the middle of avalanche and utilizes the cool man cannons that send you to the Lift Bases. The center has 3 structures one for each respective side's base, and a rocket tower/structure in the middle. The Lift bases have man cannons that send you back to the cliff-side base for a quick defensive counter, or a offensive areal ambush. Snipers are on 3 minute respawns at the peak of the "lift" bases because from previous versions the snipers were too powerful on the map. You can make this a assault rifle start game if you prefer because 1 hog at each base, a goose under the "lift" bases. and a ghost in the middle. The middle entrance is one-way "quarantined off" and takes you into the cliff face for a Custom Power-up and other goodies like a shotgun... but don't fall to your death...it's not worth it. I enjoy playing WindChill on ctf variant with the custom power set to whatever seems fun. All the lifts make for fun playing experience and it isn't like any halo3 map forge or regular. You will have fun if you fill the party with 8 or more people and press start.

    Download WindChill V5
  2. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    my advise is to have better pics. i dont really know what your map is about and i dont really know the bases. next tim you should take more pics that show you map better.
  3. FirstXboxKid

    FirstXboxKid Ancient
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    Good, but what is it about?

    This is a nice map, however, not much explanation, or a caption, beneath pictures. Also, it looks good, but the "wall" is not very visually pleasing, and it is a little crunched together, however, it is a great map, nonetheless. Excellent job!
  4. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    agreed. Instead of making a whole bunch of random bases throughout avalanche, try and make them connected in some way, it'll take the gameplay to a more original feel, instead of feeling like your running through a city looking in every house. Id also suggest interlocking the wall portion marking the borders of the map in the 8th and 9th picture, as there are probably many little edges you can take a jump off of to boost yourself over.
  5. Higinia

    Higinia Ancient
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    This is an alright map.
    I like the bases, and how they're all laid out.
    Although the wall is sloppy.
    You might wanna fix that.
    But other than that, it's good.

    What would be a good idea, is to connect the bases together, with extra bridges or walls.
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    the bases look good and seem evenly spaced but the wall ..... ugh try to get the same color ones and merging them better to make it more smooth other than that good job man.
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    i think its already been said but you really need to connect your structures throughout the map. individually, the bases are really nice, smooth, and level, but they dont connect in any way. another suggestion i would have for this map would be a few vehicles. you might want to make the wall a little cleaner too, i know it doesn't effect gameplay but it looks really bad in the screenshots.
  8. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    Some of those structures look pointless, you can't even get on top of them. THe surronding wall could use some clean up, and i would reccomend to not take pictures in forge. Okay job. Keep forging
  9. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    I really don't understand the point of this map. I mean the single bases and structures are great looking but is it just a base map or what? Try adding a better description and maybe a weapon list. I'm glad to see a map on Avalanche though.
  10. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    From your description the gameplay sounds like it would be great with large parties, and I don't doubt it.

    This map is lack in ascetics though. It needs a larger ascetic theme to tie all of the different bases together, if not connected physically. The outer wall also needs much work. I would suggest that would geomerge upright double boxes and single boxes, all the same color for it, rather than laying them on their side. Here is the Forge tutorial Master Index to refresh your memory.

    Post-wise, proof read that description, there are a lot of mistakes. You should include a weapon-list and any other details you find relevant. Picture-wise, don't take your pictures in the forge, include gameplay pictures, and include captions and descriptions of the different aspects of your map in the non-gameplay pictures.

    Hope that helps. I look forward to seeing a perfected v6.
  11. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    hey this might be a good map and all but from the pics and description,i couldnt tell a thing about it,so ge tbetter pics and a better description and fix this,and i willl definately download
  12. darkhelmet98765

    darkhelmet98765 Ancient
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    i would if i had time... full time student part time job. best i can do srry, it is what it is.
  13. Pomegrenade

    Pomegrenade Ancient
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    well this map is simple but it looks fun with the bases with ramps and ledges; using the man canon room with little ledges was cool; the bad part of this map is that u didnt fuse or merge much especially on the giant wall; if u want a tip make a v2 of this map without the wall and add a little base in the section it blocks off because it doesnt block off anyhting important really and its a big waste of money; also if what u were trying to do was block of the building id just use shield doors
    EDIT: id just like to point out that u mis spelled symmetrical in ur map's tags
  14. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Looks pretty good for a non-foundry map. I'll probably check it out a bit later.

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