Download Map Download CTF Game Variant This is a different type of map, all though it is on foundry, it is still very big due to the, "U," layout. instead of walking in a straight line, the map forces the player to walk all the way around to get to the other team/objective Here is the map layout, sans grenades as there are many. I apologize if anything is missing as I did it from memory. All power weapons (sword, sniper, rockets,shotty) are on 90+ spawn times. Pumas(warthogs) are on 120 spawn I believe Weapons 2 rockets 1 shotgun 2 snipers 2 camos 1 power drainer 2 bubble shields plenty of BR's and nades 5 mongeese 2 hogs 2 swords Screenshots *Note, the shield door, barrier, and extra walls have been deleted but due to the kinks in screenshots, the pictures have not been updated. One of the bases, where the mongeese and puma spawn The turning of the corner towards the other base, with power drainer to stop vehicles, mongoose for catching the flag, and shotgun on the foundry wall Overview of one of the bases (they are identical) The teleporter goes to the backside of the base to prevent camping with the sniper, and a quick assassination underneath the mini base where the rockets spawn Also, if you like this map you should also try out another map by me that is coming soon... Any constructive criticism is welcome If anyone needs any more description that the layout/screenshots don't provide, just ask!
It looks very empty to be honest. A wall in the middle like you have has been done many times. It'd really benefit from some more detail, scenery and interesting features. Good effort though, and you posted it pretty well. Have a look at the forge 101s and try something more complicated maybe?
Its looks like it would be hard to win a territories game on it. Theres only one real choke point in the map. maybe VIP or Slayer would go better rather than territories. It looks aight though, nothing original or new. =]
The map is simple on doesn't need to stick things into the ground, or interlocking, its just a straight-forward map.
I have to agree with mallet, other than the wall, it looks like there is hardly any scenery goin on. Like the only gameplay would be to grab a vehicle and make a mad dash for the flag every time. Perhaps you could add some scenery, and maybe have the wall more accesible? Iunno.. just a few suggestions. All in all it really isn't interesting enough for me to get a DL. Good post tho. Very neat, keep it up.Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
too..........normal! it looks like you just put a big wall in the middle and added random things honestly.....pretty well put together post tho.......
well to be honest, this isn't my best work, but believe me it is fun. My next map will be a small arena type map, with lots of interlocking and everything else.
Seems like something is missing. It s very open, however there are vehicles so that is understandable. I don't know I would have to play it. -Donuts
yeah, that's kind of what I meant, its open because of the vehicles. I'm not going to have walls everywhere, the vehicles won't be able to maneuver
it looks to be a fun map but to be honest i will pry not DL it because i hardly ever start another persons map unless ive played it before. however the pic make it look empty (previously stated). i suggest u add asthetics that would not effect the vehicals. possibly sum pallets against the walls maybe a wire spool here and there. just stuff to make it look like an area that sumthing had been there before. give it a home feel or somtin.
well, apparently billiks, people don't really like the idea of having vehicles on the foundry, I could add aesthetics, but I have a small map coming up that will blow this map out of the water.