Here is some of my artwork. Mostly drawings, but I do graphics and stuff as well. I pretty much do it all! haha I have been drawing for YEARS! I realized my talent when I was in 3rd grade and stuck with it ever since! And for the record, I AM going to school to get my bachelors degree in video game and art design. Drawings: OLD drawing --> LOL, me in Hayabusa armor w/o katana --> *I plan to do another drawing but with the katana now that I have it. This was done before I got it. That same picture^ but colored in photoshop--> A tattoo design for a friend--> I think this could still constitute as artwork! LOL--> Cortana--> Cortana holding index *colored in photoshop-->
Wow! What you did with the cans was original.. but I'm pretty sure you were geeked up on Gamer Fuel... mm that stuff was good. Looks like you stocked up. =)
All very good. You've got shading, coloring, porportions. movments, and angles down very well. I allways have a devil of a time with drawing body movments. Hair and hands are hard for me too, and you've definatly got those down... I definatly like the 2nd cortana the most. First cortana is good too though.
You pose your drawings very well, but the facial porportions and shading arn't the greatest. I also think you need to give your hair more of a natural flow. Great work though.
1 word: AMAZING. those were incredible! your a very talented artist. You have everything down perfect. i really like the hayabusa pic. And what you did with the cans... Recon worthy! Very good job! 5/5 on all =]
Damn you are good lol... I personally loved the Hayabusa ones, the black and white being my favorite. I think you completely nailed the armor, and got it down perfect. I literally dropped my jaw when I saw how good that was. The others are also really good, the second cortana being my second favorite there. You will definitely I think make it far as an artist. XD Anyway, I can't wait to see more from you. Nice work.
You're a really good artist in a bunch of different styles. Photoshop, pencil, cans [lol]. Kind of makes me want to draw something, my drawings won't turn out that well though =-| I really like the first on the list, and the Cortana drawing.
Good, but not the best. You probably think you stink at shading, don't you? Work on it anyways. Otherwise your picture's look like they came out of a manga book. Otherwise you have the makings of a great artist. Either that, or your scanner came from heaven. PS: I thought I collected too many Halo 3 cans.
Oh man you beat me out back when I did it at a LAN in the Halo 2 days xD (sorry for low quality but it was off a video) Haha that's funny as ****