The Automaton V2 Hey this is my first aesthetic map... Infact this is my first map... Anyway... The Automaton is basically just a giant robot that is on standoff. It has an exploding head (OK?), chuck a grenade in and it will explode for about 3 minutes.The head can also be used as a cannon to shoot your person (dead body) if you stand inside when you set it off! It has a wraith on its hand for weaponry. V2 now includes: - Locked wraith hand. (can't move vehicle) - Teleporter mouth! - Teleporters to the hand and inside the head. Enough for description, time for screenshots: The Automaton shooting with its wraith-hand thingy. The head cannon in action. The Automaton with its head set off. The Automaton with its head set off and shooting. There are only a few pieces of interlocking... 'Cause I'm not that good yet... Anyway, thanks for looking at my map! I'm open to critism but please keep in mind that this is my first map and its clearly not going to be perfect. Almost forgot.... Heres the link: Automaton Version 2 - : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Thanks to all those who gave me suggestions for version 2! Big Maxy out!
no he means, did you put something so the wraith can't move but still fire from where it is... you cannot interlock vehicles, or any movable object for that matter (although once I somehow merged a truck in to the ground on foundry once ) so just put something on it so it can't move. I WANT FLAMING ROBO RECON! lol... kinda nice ive never tried something like this, 3/5
Hahaha Awesome!. I like how hes got like cannon thingamajigs on his hand xD. fire head looks siik 5/5
Wow! Good job for a first timer and welcome to forgehub. Is this your first map post on forgehub? If it is, you are better than most new members who post their maps. You actually included pics! 4/5. Try to make a mouth with teleporters. =P
Ding Ding Ding! You just recieved a chance to win a free review from AWESOME-O THE ROBOT!!!!! jk lol. But srsly, you have woken Bob from his forgehubernation slumber, and he iz ready to give a review. The map is teriffic for a first, and it doesn't need more interloxx than it has since it's such a Skinny Joe-type robot. I admit, when I saw that bridge arm, I cringed, but the exploding head is badass (idk if badass is the right word for skinny Joe, though). The overall design of the robot is simple but genius, and, for once, I'm not going to flame someone about using that "Simple but Awesome" Idea. 6/5 because I don't think anyone has ever made a first map like this.
Honestly, this is pretty cool. For a first time map It's pretty well done. I can definetly some things that can improve like things not attached or things falling, falling but the fiery head effect is pretty sweet.
sweet robot man. i like how the head explodes. and the wraith hand is sweet. nice job forging too. its very neat