Foundry Manifest (Help's on the way, right?)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. Zebra

    Zebra Ancient
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    Wow...just...just wow.

    When I first saw this, I liked the layout of the first post and thought "Hey, why not download it?" so I did...and didn't touch it for about a day or so.

    A couple of hours ago I stumbled upon it(completely forgetting about how I downloaded it) going "the way, right?...what the hell? *looks at the description, puts in the game* Help's? wtf? *puts that in*"
    Grabbed a couple of friends and started playing. Right away, was human, looked at the health bar funny, noticed the car then suddenly BOOM! Explosion!
    The very start of the game caught my attention, the work you did with the dumpster opening impressed me further and as I played the game, I fell more and more in love with it. I ended up becoming a total magnum ***** till I found the BR, and with each time I played the game, became a zombie and what not: the intensity of the game multiplied, and so did the fun.

    One thing I need to say though, at the very beginning of the level: sometimes the warthog can disappear out of the hole, giving players the ability to crawl underneath and cheat the map. My friend ended up getting another person to boost him up and start running through the back hallway of foundry and laughed at those who didn't know how to get him(cept me who figured out another escape route on the map to get to that spot). I went into forge and added some dumpsters to block off the cheating areas of the map. I recommend you keep that in mind in the next version if you do something like that. If you'd like to see both spots you can escape the map from I'd be happy to record them both in film clips and show them to you so you can fix them or keep them in mind. :)

    I love this map, it's EXACTLY what an infection game should be. It did remind me of left 4 dead and I wondered for a while whether or not you based it off of it, then I re-read the whole post.

    10 outta 10. Please make more in the future, and if possible, I would love to test it if possible.
  2. fabioisonfire

    fabioisonfire Ancient
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    I love the presentation of this, brilliant job. Queued up, will edit when I've played.
  3. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Wow, this is totally a great map, great job with everything, It is 5/5 for sure! I really like how you displayed information also, and I hope there is a way out by the looks of it...haha.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    I dont know why, But im supprised at my self for not posting anything about this map, so here I go. Ok this map is really something that hooked me on it for a while, and still is. My friends and I just cant get enough of the fun. For the map, it flows really well, and it seems too flow even beter with the gametype on this map. You and your bud pulled off something that I never would have seen coming. For the gameplay, it's just amzing, period. Gameplay seems more intence with your shield setings, and some how never makes people mad or shamed playing it. I really love the road block of stuff, and gives it more of a zombie aprocalypse feel too the game. Oh and in all i would say 5/5 for this being the way infection should be. AWSOME JOBZzZzZ
  5. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    What happened to the pictures?

    They all say band witch exceeded.
  6. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    oh ****, damnit...uhh it's because so many people have viewed them, it overdoes it. It already happened once lol, when they were on sweeny's now I gotta fix them again.
  7. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    even tho I cant see what the map looks like becuase the pic arnt workin I am still going to dl becuase from the discription and the comments this map has its sure to be fun

    After playing the map I have to say its looks amazing. U did a great job making the map feel like it was an urban enviroment. The only real promblem I have with ur map is there is nothing stopping people from camping the spawn. Also if u change some things around on the map u could make be for more things or then infection
    #87 Critical Ghost, Jan 31, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2009
  8. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    Dun dun dun. AJ is back.

    I'll edit this with my review after I've played a round or two, but for now I'd just like to say to everyone: "This isn't a beauty contest, this is Forge Hub. You should review this map like you would a map whose thread had only a few bad screenshots and a DL link. Thank you."
  9. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    My New Professional Review:

    Enjoyment: The enjoyability of this map is good. I feel like the map was very enjoyable. I continued to want to play again and again. No game was boring and it was exciting throughout the entire game.

    Balance: This is the best balanced infection map. Kills for both sides are hard. It takes several shots with the help of your team to take down your enemy. For the humans, you can easily take down enemies with skillful headshots. On the other side, zombies can use skillful assassinations.

    It is not super easy to get out of the map, but it is possible. This is irrelevant because of the way the game is played. It doesn't really help you. There are really no overpowered spots on the map; each part is pretty balanced. There is absolutely no spawn camping/killing.

    : Though there is nothing amazing, the look of this map is good. Everything is perfect and tidy (except for purposely untidy things). The map contains a good and easily identifiable theme. Everything feels natural and nothing feels out of place.

    Originality: This is one of the most original maps out there. The idea of the linear path is the reason. Unlike most maps, you follow a set path wich makes it interesting.

    Mathematical Score: 9.0/10
    Personal Score: 9.5/10

  10. Trevor

    Trevor Ancient
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    I can't see the pics
  11. NymBomer

    NymBomer Ancient
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    Just for the epic description I'm going to download and play it. But seriously the description is epicly written.
  12. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i love how you did everything on the map and the description (i did a description on my last map post kinda like it before i saw this post then someone posted a comment saying that it is kinda like manifest so i looked it up) Im really glad i downloaded this map it is epicly made i love infection and left 4 dead wich makes this the perfect map for me. The asthetics are awesome especially the big roadblock of random stuff. 5/5 from me it rocks!!!

    p.s im working on a map for every left 4 dead campaign i just posted my no mercy one a few days ago and now im in the works on dead air and i was wondering if you would help me out with the maps?
  13. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    very nice map. it looks like it took a lot of planning to make. the forging is awesome nice map.

    btw the post is sweeet. the best i have seen.
  14. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    You too! Another pastafarian, i thought id never see the day

    But about the map, this is the funnest infection map in the world, great job dude, and congrats on the feature
  15. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    Am I thinking Sandbox for v2!? :D This is a really nice game. I absolutely love it.

    I can't wait for v2, (if there is one). Can't wait for mythic also.
  16. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    This post is so amazing, I wish I could make a post for a map like this. I think I will steal your idea for the awesome pages, if you don't mind. Might be helpful with my Red vs. Blue Prison map, making a prison manual would be cool. That could be applied to anything. The storyline is a really nice touch.
    EDIT: I can't make mine as good as yours, but I did try it out. Looks pretty good, but I need to get my friend to do a better job for me. I did get the real information in though, and you can check it out here. Not trying to promote my map, trying to promote your great idea.

    The map looks amazing and well balanced. I hope to see more great stuff like this from more people in the future, especially yourself.
    DEFINITELY a download, and DEFINITELY a suggestion to any my friends to play, and is DEFINITELY going to be one of my favorite maps to play. Looks like it will have some real replay value unlike many infection maps...especially fatkid EWWW.
    EDIT: Probably the best infection map idea ever. The only problem I have is the size. It takes less than like one minute to move across the whole map. The game is really fun, but with a small party, it's not fun at all, since everyone can just camp in rooms and stuff. This doesn't happen when the Grindnaut appears, but it happens frequently.
    Also, the warthog in the back disappears and creates an annoyance to me, as the humans escape, and can spawn kill zombies by getting into the back area. Fix that somehow?

    Also...YOU BETTER MAKE A SEQUEL. If you can make a map that looks this good on Foundry, think of the possibilities on Sandbox? Seriously, I can see you using many of the new objects so effectively and ingeniously. I was just thinking of the death orbs...I can see you coming up with something awesome with those.
    #96 KilerG, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2009

    X1BLACKOUT1X Ancient
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    This looks like a really good map. I downloaded it and took a look at it and it looks great!
  18. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    This is wihout a doubt the best infection map I've ever played.
    My borther broke it at one time..
    He climbed the wreckage, as a survivor, and got in the area where the grindnaught spawns through the teleporter, and got an instant-assassination..
    Nethertheless, epic gametype.
    You guys better be forging up the next one!!
  19. Boston

    Boston Ancient
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    Played this map earlier with about 8 friends. Great stuff. It was just incredible. Normally I hate the infection games that people put out, but this was just amazing. It is def staying on my hard drive. I can just remember the first rounds starting as the zombie, I went through the teleporter to the roof and waited for the pack of humans to run through. I waited for the last guy and then jumped down. Took him out, and then another before I was spotted and killed, but right off the bat it just had a unique feel to it. Normally I would just go out in the middle of battle, but this time I used tactics seeing as how you have to. Great game and I really cannot wait for the 2cd episode!

    BTW, haven't played as the Grindnaut yet...I would love to get some more people together and play. Anyone want to get a party started invite me. bos45redsox is my GT.
  20. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Is sweeny etc. forging up teh next epicness, or are you guys considering using sandbox / waiting for its XBLM release? Because this is amazing, all my friends love it at the moment, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to next, especially for the next boss battle. Keep it up. Please?

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