I think this is the right forum to post this in, if not I apologize.I'm rebuilding the first map I ever created Escalation.Im remaking it because I was new to forge then and now the I have learned a few tricks of the trade.I have modified alot on this map from the previous version.Only thing is Im having trouble building a roof/ceiling for the structure pictured below.Im lookin for idea's or help.I tried double walls but I cant get it even with the top of the structure. The Structure The Old Structure Finished roof Old OverView New OverView(unfinished)
have you tried... flipped over bridges that might look good i personally think it looks good without a roof
I'd recommend using interlock walls to cover the entire roof. If you're feeling up to it, interlock small walls at a bit shorter then crouch height around the perimeter.
Ya, I used them and it looks great took me a while to get them as even as I could.But worked great in the end.Thanks for the input!
So, did you go with bridges? The crazy colors don't really fit what it looks like you were going for, as far as I can tell. The colors look choppy (either on ceiling inside or as the roof outside.) That structure looks more smooth. I'd go with fence walls. They perfectly fit the theme of that structure and get the job done.