Hello Forgehub! I have decided to host a competition. It is for my clan website. I have come to you first, Cause everyone has a unique set of skills. I want to see who has the best. So, without further a due, here are the to contests. ahh yes, the banner contest. This contest is for the main banner on the website. Here is the banner we have now: Spoiler NOTE: BANNER MUST BE 1030px × 293px We are looking for a gripping, mind boggling banner. The colors must flow with the layout, and as of right now, its ___ and black. (any color) It must incorporate 3 main games: HALO 3 COD: WaW GOW2 PRIZE: The prize is having your banner, on the front page of our website. were tons of people will see it. AND: A one month, XBL card! ENTRIES: Spoiler MACE: NIGHTFIRE LOCKdown The next contest: This contest is for the whole design of the layout. It must have a layout similar to this, not exactly like it, but the same boxes just scattered around: Spoiler Or website: HERE The colors should be neutral. Such as: White/Black Red/Black Yellow/Black etc. Anything with black. The layout must be designed for an, E107 website system. PRIZE: 3-month XBL card, and having your design used! SO, to everyone who enters, Good Luck. Oh, and you can enter for both competitions if you would like. Myself Dizfunky Hari _____ _____ There are 5 other open spots to judge. PM me if you would like to judge. If you need any other information, just contact me! COMPETITION ENDS: March 5th, 2009 THANKS EVERYBODY! :]
You're allowing people to do the website design in any colours they like as long as they go well, yet people that do banners have to do them in black and red, to match the current layout? If you were to choose a yellow/black layout for example, then a red/black banner would be useless, surely you should just decide on a set of colours people HAVE to use?
no, if your not competing in both, and just doing the banne... well you gotta point, i must go rewrite. lol
SUPER ADVRETIZING! just ask TDH to do it, he did my clan's site's banner Whats the PXP, I might do one...
I will probably join in for the banner. Is there any specific size you want it to be? Im guessing the same as the current one. 1023 x 293. Seems like an odd size.
Does the Banner have to Include images from the game? or the game somehow integrated, persay, in cool-ass text. I'vemade a 1337 background, and I cant find a render that wont mess it up/look out of place. and do you have a motto
I don't know about doing the website and I don't know how I would create the website for you to use. Like I noticed for your website that you have a scrollbar section. I don't have a program that will let me create something like that. I have photoshop and I can easily create a banner. But how are we supposed to create a website layout?? I can make examples, but not one that you could use right away especially if you have that scrollbar area. Unless that is something I don't have to worry about. Also while looking at your website, I noticed that you banner extends beyond the box that is behind it.
If you're knowledgeable in html then you can use website design programs like Adobe Dreamweaver. Or simple one like Microsoft Frontpage
thats fine, its your submission. lol Nope, just NITROUS GAMING and hopefully im correct, that means like the version before the current version of E107?