Marooned REVAMPED Created by Fiat Luxor and Pirates : Description : Marooned is a Ghost Town map, but it has been made into much more than just Ghost Town... Marooned REVAMPED has made it fun, beautiful, and interesting. It is different from the original Marooneds in several ways: - Edited the spawns and added more to prevent spawn killing. - Opened up the tunnels in the cliff which were previously blocked off. - Removed the shield door that was by the destroyed wall ramp leading into the main building and over where the old switch used to be. By doing this it made the appearance of the map easier on the eyes and more pleasing. - Added more aesthetics to the map. - Moved some of the weapons around. - Reduced ammo on the battle rifles and other guns to make the map feel more like an abandon place/pirate camp. - Removed the ghost. - Added two more switches. - Made the catwalk a bit bigger. - Added a watchtower on top of the drooping fence bridge now giving the bridge a purpose as well. - Made the map COMPLETELY inescapable. - and more. The map now plays better, looks better, and in general is an even cooler Ghost Town map than it was before. The two new switches are both regen activated, one is an elevator up to the sniper perch, the other gives you access to the catwalk where the needler is located. I'll let you find these switches on your own, but heres a hint look for the cones so you know where to throw them. : Weapon List : - Battle Rifles (5, 45 second respawn, 1 clip) - SMGs (2, 45 second respawn, 1 clip) - Plasma Rifles (2, 45 second respawn) - Flamethrower (1, 180 second respawn) - Spike Grenades (8, 10 second respawn) - Power Drainer (1, 60 second respawn) - Regenerator (1, 60 second respawn) - Beam Rifle (1, 120 second respawn) - Needler (1, 120 second respawn) : Pictures: : DOWNLOAD : HERE There will soon be updates on the map, so be sure to check back in
Impressive map pirates. Ghost town is a hard place to forge and you really rised to the challenge. I love that fence wall bridge It is so smooth. Incredible seeing as you had to build this map using all the items as well as build a wall to keep idiots in it. Great conserving skills. Now I know i have not played your map I am only congratulating your feats in terms of interlocking and geomerging. I will play this map throughout the week and get back to you with something real. A REVIEW. But as of now I can just say. Good job on an impressively hard forge ~forgegod117~
Non-Foundry, you instantly earned + points. This looks damn... well incredible, the fence wall bridge looks amazingly smooth for the angled interlocks. Forging on Ghost Town can be a ***** but this looks really good, I'll give it a couple games to get an honest opinion. OH YEA~ The flamethrower in between the two small barriers- I believe you can interlock with those barriers, I've done it before on my map. It may look pretty epic two stick a weapon holder in one to have the flamethrower suspended between the two ^_^
i haave to say people try to make ghost town maps and some time their okay but this one is 5/5 perfect good orginality with the wall . the thing i dont likeabout it i the flamethrower but thats just my opion because people will camp but im will D/l thanks for a good map
Sadly, the flamer is campable, but in the update, me and Fiat are going to make it spawn at 180 seconds into the game, and most objects touching the ground are geomerged, fyi
Wow Playing this map makes me wanna makes some maps on Ghosttown, your merging is flawless. The flamethrower was a nice touch and it was placed in the map perfectly you can own people by holding down that room that its next to. I like the place where you put the battle rifle above the bridge on the watchtower, sitting on top of that is the best spot.The catwalk was a nice addition it gives you an overview of almost all of the outside areas in it. In my opinion I would have replaced the needler with a sniper because it kinda suited that area better. Overall this map is made for some intense gameplay, its definetly my favorite Ghosttown forged map. 5/5
I do agree on the sniper, but theres a beam rifle in the sniper perch in the defending base. Sadly, its only set up for free for all games (oddball,koth,slayer) but That will be fixed on the update
I have to say pirates, this map looks amazing. I already love ghost town forging, but your map has just made me love it a whole lot more. What can I say, the suspension bridge? Total awesomesauce. The geomerging is quite amazing as well. But I have to say my favorite thing you did is all of those burrows, it really gives the map a unique feel, and it almost seems like you're taking a part of ghost town, and remodeling it, making new buildings, and everything. Go renovation! The city of Voi will live once more!!!
Lol, I updated the DL link, so if you tried before, I'd highly recommend doing it again, cause It'll actually work now.
lol i didnt get to try yet but thx for the like ill DL now oh and i was wondering what the big building has in it?
Just the fact that the map is not a Foundry maps instantly makes it more interesting. I am very impressed with the smoothness of the map.
This is what I call a good map, I mean it's got everything perfect. And most of all, you made a map look good that's not Foundry! 5/5
it looks good and you definitely made playability better. Overall the map looks pretty good but the tree house in the building is a tad sloppy and you could of used something else for the roof on the top of the hut of the bridge, but you definitely improved this map, the ghost was never meant on marooned, maybe a pirate ship. 4/5
Ooh, just seeing this makes me smile. Now I actually want to play on Ghost Town. The first thing I thought when I saw this was, "You took some inspiration from Cosmic Rick, didn't you?" when I saw the curved fence wall bridge. The map looks fantastic, but you didn't specify any gametypes in the OP, so I'm just going to assume it will play FFA Slayer, FFA Oddball, Team Slayer, and all that like the original, (Less awesome and forgegasmic) version of Ghost Town. I'll think I'll try to at least get a 4v4 Team Slayer game on this before I come back with a review. P.S. For some reason, the fact that the spell-checker is underlining "forgegasmic" in red, is extremely satisfying. I don't know why.
Akward Silence, do you purposely make your comments slightly akward to go along with your name? lol. MBMA- we've been out of fence walls since v1
Occasionally. But I never spell "awkward" as "akward." I never thought that made it awkward. Umm.... BUNNIES!
Hmm... This is the first time I have seen someone forge Ghost Town, and you did a really good job. Congrats!
And here we go, dies after a while, just like most of my maps. Why do I even bother? I appreciate all the feedback, expect to see some new GT maps soon